Chapter 9

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"Where have they gone?" Sandstorm gasped.

"Let's have a closer look," suggested Fireheart, already trotting toward the place where the Shadowclan cats had disappeared.

Sandstorm hurried after her. As they neared the patch of grass that had swallowed up the black tail, he noticed a shadow where the earth dipped away sharply into a hollow beside the Thunderpath. It was the entrance to a stone tunnel that led under the Thunderpath, like the one he'd used with Silverstream on their journey to find Windclan. Fireheart's pelt brushed against him as they crept down the slope and cautiously sniffed the gloomy entrance. Sandstorm felt the rush of wind on his ears from the monsters roaring past above, but as well as the stench of the Thunderpath, he could smell the fresh scents of the Shadowclan cats. They had definitely come this way.

The tunnel was perfectly round, lined with pale cream stone about the height of two cats. The moss that grew halfway up the smooth side told Sandstorm that the tunnel ran with water during leaf-bare. Now it was dry, the bottom was littered with leaves and Twoleg rubbish.

"Have you heard of this place before?" asked Fireheart.

Sandstorm shook his head. "It must be how Shadowclan comes to get to Fourtrees."

"A lot easier than dodging the monsters," commented Fireheart.

"No wonder Littlecloud wanted to be left to cross the Thunderpath alone. This tunnel is a secret Shadowclan would want to keep for themselves. Let's get back to the camp and tell Oakstar."

Sandstorm dashed up the slope and back into the forest, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Fireheart was with him. She came charging after him, and the two cats headed home. As they crossed the scentline, Sandstorm felt the familiar relief of being back in the safety of Thunderclan territory, although, after hearing Littlecloud's news about the sickness in Shadowclan, he doubted if the rival Clan was in a fit state to keep up their border patrols anyway.

"Oakstar!" Hotter than ever and breathless after the run home, Sandstorm went straight to Oakstar's den.

"Yes?" came the answer through the lichen.

Sandstorm pushed his way in. The Thunderclan leader was lying in her nest with paws tucked neatly under her chest. "We found a tunnel just inside Shadowclan territory," he told her. "It leads under the Thunderpath."

"I hope you didn't follow it," growled Oakstar.

Sandstorm hesitated. He had expected his leader to be excited by this discovery, instead her tone was harsh and accusing. "N-no, we didn't," he stammered.

"You took too much risk entering their territory at all. We don't want to antagonize Shadowclan."

"If Shadowclan is as weak as the warriors said, I don't think they'd do anything about it," he pointed out, but Oakstar stared past him, apparently busy with her own thoughts.

"Have those two cats gone?" she asked.

"Yes, They went through the tunnel. That's how we found it," Sandstorm explained.

Oakstar nodded distantly. "I see."

Sandstorm searched the Thunderclan leader's eyes for some hint of compassion. Didn't she care about the sickness in Shadowclan at all? "Did we do the right thing, sending them back?" he couldn't help asking.

"Of course!" snapped Oakstar. "We don't want sickness in the camp again."

"No, we don't," Sandstorm agreed heavily.

As he turned to leave, Oakstar added, "Don't tell anyone about the tunnel yet."

"Okay," Sandstorm promised, slipping through the lichen. He wondered why Oakstar wanted to keep the tunnel a secret. After all, he had uncovered a weakness in Shadowclan's border that could become a strength for Thunderclan. Not that he felt Shadowclan deserved any sort of attack at the moment, but surely a better knowledge of the forest could only be a good thing? Sandstorm sighed as Fireheart dashed up to him.

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