Chapter 4.

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Jacob and I spend the whole rest of the day talking, because he's in all my classes after lunch. He's actually really funny, and it's fun talking to him. We decide that we're going to hang out Friday; I don't have cheer that day. He's picking me up at seven.

"He's picking me up at seven," I  tell Destiny and Tiana. They are my best friends, I've known Destiny since we were both eleven months old, and I've known Tiana since she was born. Destiny is five days older than me, and Tiana is two years younger, although I forget the age difference while we're hanging out because she looks and acts so much more mature. They're sisters, actually. They're spending the night at my house tonight... We don't get to see eachother that often, only on weekends when all three of us are available. They both go to Central High School, but since we're all so close, we make time to hang out with eachother. We've been through so much together... When we were really little, I lived two houses down from them. Their father died of liver disease when Destiny was ten and Tiana was eight. He drank a lot, and whenever he'd get drunk... He'd throw things. Yell. Scream. Call their mother the most awful names. Whenever he'd do this, Destiny and Tiana would walk over to my house and they'd spend the night. I remember one time, when Destiny and I were only nine, they stayed at my house for almost a week. He died about a month before Tiana's ninth birthday. Needless to say, I've always been there for them.

"Oh, so you're going on a date?" Tiana asks me, popping a grape in her mouth and giving me a silly look.

"Not a date, exactly..." I try to explain. "We're just hanging out. As friends."

"Oh," Destiny eyes me, all the while drawing out the word all dramatic like. "I see what this is. Yep. I see it all the time. You, my dear Heartlynn, have a case of friend-crush-itis. A Classic high school case. You meet, become friends, and eventually... Fall for eachother. You date, he performs all these amazingly romantic gestures. Buys you a dozen roses, sings to you, buys you a diamond ring, and proposes. You get married, have children, and live in a magical sugar castel for the rest of forever and forevermore."

"Wow, okay," I say astonished that she came up with all of that on the spot. "If that all happens, you can say 'I told you so' okay?"

"Okay, so when we're out of high school and he's proposed, call me, and I'll come over and make it a special occasion to say 'I told you so'," She tells me. "It's gonna happen."

"Okay, and if it does-"

"When. When it does."

"When it does, I'll call you, you and TT can come over, and we'll make a party out of it. It'll be called 'Destiny's I told you so party'," I laugh.

"That's all I ask for," Destiny laughs, grabbing her blanket and heading downstairs. We're going to watch a movie.

"Okay, sure."

After we put in the movie, I curl up on the couch with them. As much as I want to stay up with them and watch the movie, it's getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I feel my eyelids getting droopy, and soon, I fall into a deep sleep.

Words Left Unsaid (A Jacob Whitesides Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant