The next phase

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Chapter 10: Rotten Soul

After leaving, Mike had no idea what to do or where to go. His mind and heart were numb. He had no strength to process what just happened. Mike isolated himself, time kept moving on, but Mike remained numb.

The mysterious soul began to decay, deteriorating to a state no one would want to witness. So, he underwent a transformation, becoming something less than desirable. This shift cost him dearly, making it impossible to revert to his previous self.

Chapter 11: The DEAD Change!

This time, love wasn't the catalyst for his transformation. Instead, Mike became acutely aware of his rapid internal changes. These shifts took place during a period meant for healing. The alterations were so drastic and adverse that he felt disconnected from memorable moments, genuine smiles, and the warmth of life.

Time moved forward. People tried to uplift his spirits, and occasionally a smile graced his face. But the genuine joy and carefree laughter, the restful slumbers of yesteryears, never returned. The smiles that emerged were merely facades to convince the world of his well-being.

Mike detested sympathy and pity. He prided himself on self-reliance. Although he battled through life's adversities, pasting a smile onto his face, deep down he felt the anguish.

Chapter 12: Hardship in a Relationship

Elsewhere, Angel felt isolated despite being with Jim, the one she believed she loved. She recognized her mistakes, lamenting, "I was wrong. My choices were wrong. I lost my Missing Piece."

Angel struggled to keep her love alive in this dark world. Exhausted, when she finally sought love and care as a reward for her endurance, she was met with betrayal. Jim never reciprocated her feelings. She endeavored tirelessly, hoping for just a sliver of affection. But when she finally laid bare her feelings, questioning Jim about their one-sided relationship, he left her. Alone with haunting memories, Angel realized the depths of Mike's sacrifices and the pain he underwent.

The period when her laughter was genuine, when the sun's rays felt comforting, when tears were rare, and she felt loved – all of it seemed distant. Angel deeply regretted not valuing Mike's efforts and not understanding the pain she inflicted on him.

Chapter 13: Made Him Feel Existing

Angel knew nothing of Mike's whereabouts or well-being. She yearned for him, recalling their shared moments. She regretted not recognizing the depth of his love.

Meanwhile, Mike found himself ensnared by his somber thoughts, feeling a deep-rooted silence within, punctuated only by tears and pain. Once filled with dreams of a future with Angel, he now clung to memories of her. Mike felt numb, detached from life's simple pleasures.

Walking alone amidst rainstorms, shedding tears of anguish, slowly eroding his spirit, he sought ways to feel alive again.

Chapter 14: A Huge Favor!

Mike never anticipated relying on anyone other than Angel. However, life introduced him to Auralina. Their chance encounter on a dull evening changed his perspective.

Their initial conversation, sparked by a dropped notepad, led to a deeper connection. Despite the unexpected nature of their budding friendship, Mike felt comfortable around her. For the first time in a long while, he held a conversation without feeling the weight of his past.

Chapter 15: Mike Meets Auralina

Their rapport grew with every conversation, forging a bond of trust and comfort. Despite their brief acquaintance, neither felt they were talking to a stranger. Auralina's warmth and genuineness breathed new life into Mike, while he offered her a sense of security.

Chapter 16: Auralina

Auralina, an artist well-versed in the world of colors, experienced significant upheavals in her life. From a soft-hearted individual, she transformed into someone tougher yet retaining her positivity. Earning her trust was a monumental task, yet Mike managed it effortlessly. Her sketches captured moments, and one such was her meeting with Mike, making him an integral part of her life's journey.

Chapter 17: A New Start!?

Their text exchanges brightened Mike's gloomy days, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. Auralina's trust in Mike, and his concern for her, deepened their bond.

Chapter 18: A New Lifeline

Mike felt a renewal of spirit in Auralina's presence. Her faith and care provided the comfort he yearned for. With every interaction, his outlook improved, and he started experiencing moments of genuine happiness.

Chapter 19: Mike's Feelings

As they continued to converse, Mike opened up, sharing fragments of his life. Their growing bond provided a solace neither had anticipated. In Auralina, Mike found the companionship he longed for.

Chapter 20: Infinity (Ilman Khan)

Mike's journey is filled with transformations. Each step, each word, each individual, and each moment has the potential to shift his path. The mysterious soul's ever-evolving nature is not easily understood. Changes can be small or monumental, predictable or unexpected, good or bad. Yet, they are infinite.

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