Cats and pancakes

135 16 8

Sorry philippaki but couldn't resist the joke


A cursed existence...

"Why am I doing schoolwork, I don't even go to school!" Fable protested looking up from the pages of math, Chronos had descended on the eternal babybones earlier.

"While your not aging, your math is atrocious Fable. This will also help you with money, and admit it you were bored," Chronos pointed out.

"Not cool," Fable pouted, but admitted the few times he'd gone outside to town while his body slept he'd been much confused on money. It didn't help, some concepts changed multiverse to multiverse.

"You got that question wrong kiddo, lets go over the question together.." Chronos said pointing at the question he just finished.

He groaned.


"Urgh..." Fable shivered, as his wings accidentally touched something.

It was very uncomfortable having your soul always in a semi physical form, even if the sensation was muted in the avatar.

That.. feels awful!

Disorienting, maybe we can create some type of shielding for them Corruption grumbled, like the grumpy cat he was.

Wait, grumpy cat?

Whoops, he hadn't meant that thought to slip through. But then again, he wasn't used to blocking private thoughts yet.

I am not a cat! Corruption protested.

"Maybe..." Fable giggles, and focused his magic and a new avatar formed of a grumpy black cat.

Then locked the form in place, like Chronos had taught him.

Fable no, don't even think about it! Corruption protested, watching in horror as the child picked up the feline avatar and pressed there heads together.

A giggle escaped Fable.

The feline avatars eyes opened, now cyan with rings of gold around them.

"I will plot revenge," The cat, or rather corruption promised.

"Cats always plot revenge," Fable giggled cuddle Corruption, then carefully began to pet him.

A purr filled the air. Corruption enjoying the sensation way to much.

Fable smiled, who wouldn't like the ability to summon a kitty at will.


In another multiverse, another eternal babybones froze.

Feeling injustice of reality!

He must find it, a way to have a cat not just become a cat.

Steal the ability from whoever had it!

Now Sun just had to avoid the Stalker to find it.


Fable sneezed.

"Bless you" Chronos said, putting down a plate of pancake and syrup in front of him.

Fable still found it weird, that this body could till access his real bodies avatar and eat.

Whats this?

"Pancakes, looks yummy," Fable chirped happily, Traveller had made these once when he was in there care and he had liked them.

He drowned then in maple syrup, it was from Canadatale where they guarded there maple trees with a scary amount of violence from those trying to steal the valuable liquid.

Whats that sticky liquid?

"Its maple syrup," Fable answered out loud, Chronos didn't react after a week of things like that and helped in his urge ts cat Corruption in meant the older skeleton could talk to them.

Corruption stared at him lazily from a pile of pillows, having taking a liking to the forms ability to nap anywhere.

Then he took a bite, the delicious taste was like heaven in a bottle over the treat.

Its so good, so good I feel like I could die!

Fable froze in the middle of taking another bite.

"You can't die, your already dead you maple head," Corruption growled.

Maple head? Yes! Call me Maple after this wonderful liquid!

Well, at least it wasn't ketchup like classic Sans.

"Maple huh..." he hummed, well at least they both had names now.

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