I See You

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been awhile, I apologize, but hope you enjoyed this. and yes this was long planned.

"Mweee he he he!"

"Looks like he's pleased" Chronos said, watching Fable actually moving his real body, sure walking wasn't going fast but he no longer had to live through his avatar.

"That's cursed" Corruption said as Fable did a weird little dance with his avatar.

"No that is" Chronos said dryly, as Fable summoned another avatar and Maple joined looking around sixteen which was more his mental age as he'd become Corrupted before that.

"Maple! We agreed one avatar of us at a time!" Corruption yelled, Maple yelped and the avatar popped.

"Aww..." went the Fables, which.. was just weird.

"Back to bed kiddo, you know you shouldn't be dancing yet" Chronos said picking the real Fable up who energy was flagging, the eternal child cuddled close making sure his wings we're not touched.

"Love you..."

Chronos paused at what Fable said as he tucked him in, he smiled and kissed there forehead as they were already sleep.

"Love you too"


"This was easier yesterday..." Fable said laying on the floor, his spread out glimmering white.

"You went a bit far yesterday, you've been bed bound for months and that dancing was too much" Chronos said as he swept the floor around Fable, a whine escaped the babybones.

"Upsey Daisy" Chronos said picking them up, he nuzzled Fable before putting them on the couch.

"But what if I wanted to stay on the floor?" Fable asked.

"Oh dear oh no..." Chronos said as he continued to clean.


"That's what they said" Chronos replied.

"I'll suffer" Fable said fake crying.

"Then suffer" Chronos replied.

"What is this, a skit in a play?" Corruption asked from where he was sunning by a window.

"More like TV last night" Fable giggled.

The false feline stared, then decided a nap would be better for his sanity.


He woke disoriented, his mind swimming in the mire that was the dregs of a nightmare.

Fable shivered and sat up, pulling up the fluffy blanket to cover his body.

It had been so real, making him want to hurl at the maddening emotions of the dream.

A Dream about Dream, the mad Dream that had tried to possess his body. He tried not to gag, remembering the other Dream had merged himself with his own.

He had been so close to ceasing to be himself.

Taking deep breaths he tried to calm himself, as Chronos had gone over calming techniques due other said nightmares.

"It.. will stop right?" Fable asked himself teary eyed, when would he stop dreaming of the mad Dreams past. There was no answer, and Maple and Corruption were too deep asleep to answer. In ways he liked that, as he rarely had his thoughts to himself anymore.

He lay down again, hoping next time it wouldn't be too bad.

Dream smiled as he tried sewing a gift for Nighty. It was hard, but he wanted to cheer his twin up after such a long winter.

"Well now.." a voice said, Dream dropped his gift summoning his bow.

"A child" he said surprised, a monster child also. Suddenly he couldn't move, and a slender hand touched his skull... caressing it in a disturbing way.

"Be a good Dream, get powerful... seek me out out if you can escape here" the child cooed.

"No..." he begged, as his mind was ripped apart and rewritten.

"Eat the apples little Dream, if your sinful enough you will become one of Mara's"

The Dream as he was ceased to be.

"Yes Master"

Fable woke up shaking in terror, summoning his book and digging through it.

"Mara, no Mara was listed.." that was definitely the mad Dreams memories "none.. which means this Mara was an Outsider to that multiverse"

His wings fluffed up in his agitation.

"You... You I will find more on..." Fable growled determined, due to this Mara they'd turned Dream into a madman.

"I know your face"

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