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Fable sniffled, tears rolling down his face.

He hurt so much, he was awake but couldn't move not even talk. Chronos even had to help him eat, Fable was a big boy he shouldn't need help. But he did.

Its not that bad, just till you recovered

Really? That's not going to help passive

He was also hearing voices, which he was pretty sure wasn't a good thing.

We're not imaginary voices! Corruption tell him

And that's what imaginary voices say

Corruption.. why are you like this?

You ate the apples the end

Passive made a strangled noise.

Great, the pain had driven him insane.

This was going to drive him insane, he'd been stuck like this for days and for some reason his back felt weird and Chronos was making sure he rested on his side for a reason.

And speak of the devil for Chronos walked into a room, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hey Fable, ever heard of avatars..."

Fables reaction was a raised bone brow, the only movement he could do.

"Right... you can't answer," the adult time kid said embarrassed "okay.. you know Gaster blasters... how skeleton Sans and Papyrus types can summon them." here he summoned a singular one.

Yes.. he knew about those. Kind of hard to miss them. Especially how everyone seems to fling them about.

"Thing is you can.. well modify them, everyone seems to have a set number of designs they can create and lock into place to summon," Chronos said, and instead of summoning a Gaster blaster he summoned forth a copy of himself.

Fable stared in shock.

"I think it was a known fact in my multiverse. As I haven't seen anyone else use this," the other Chronos said.

He.. he wanted to do that!


How did he do this? Wait... he didn't know how to summon Blaster yet... oh no.

Thankfully, Chronos was awesome and walked Fable through the process even if his magic seemed to burn to summon a blaster. He cried out, Gaster Blaster flickering out, it hurt to much.

"Fable.. are you okay?" Chronos asked worriedly.

The child whimpered all teary eyes again.

"Don't worry, we'll fix this... you'll get better," Chronos said cleaning his face off, Fable gave a fragile smile. He just didn't want to hurt anymore.

He feel asleep exhausted.


"You held it longer that time," Chronos said proudly, from where he was holding Fables hands to help focus his magic.

The tiny child made a face.

"Its true, we've been at this a few days and your blasters aren't vanishing anymore... or wondering off, Chronos said dryly, neither looked towards the far wall where a gaster blaster had tried to go through a wall. There were some interesting holes, thankfully easily fixed.

Yeah, your doing so great!

Passive, hes concentrating...

"Alright, now I'm going to teach you to mold your summons into other shapes.. or code it as some beings call it," the man grinned. Bright golden eyes looked at him in interest.

Chronos said nothing of the glimmer or cyan or purple that sometimes appeared, he would find out more once Fable was healthier.

He held Fabled hand over his own summoned Blaster, carefully molding it with his magic allowing the child to feel his magic then locking it in that form. "Did you catch that?" he asked awhile later, as the Blaster now looked and felt like a fuzzy cat.
Fable make a surprised gasping noise, eye lights large as he looked at the false cat.

Soon enough he had his own blaster summoned again, Chronos helping to guide the magic.

Awhile later Fable made a cry of frustration as he kept failing this part, tears started trickling down his face.

Why was he so bad at this?

Oh no... hes really upset

His magic is still off due t the issue that caused it

that seems unfair, it could take months for him to recover..

Months? Stuck in a body he couldn't move in?

Now you did it, why are you such an idiot sometimes?

Sorry, could we help him?

Hey kid, let us help

At this point he would take the voice of insanity

A strange sensation filled him, as if others were supporting him.

You are filled with determination!

Shut up passive!

The blaster seemed to warp and change in front of his eyes, one with a cyan ring around it the other with a purple ring in it.

Suddenly he was looking at his own face, feeling a subtle lock to keep it from shifting from that form.
Do me next!

What.. Corruption...

Wait.. nevermind

"Okay.. now we have to sync you up to it," Chronos said and actually picked Fable up, careful to avoid his back "I need to have your forehead placed against it, it will link you up allowing you to use it as an avatar.

It was weird, his brain felt like all buzzy as he and the false hims forehead was touched.

Then it was as if something snapped into place, and Fable was looking at himself from two sets of eyes. He felt ill from the vertigo and threw up from the body in Chronos arms, avatar him tripped having never walked in this body before.

Then he blinked and blinked again, with trembling hands he peered at his real body then at the back of his avatar.

"WHY DO I HAVE WINGS!" Avatar Fable shrieked.

FableOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant