Part 6

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I found myself nestled in the plush back seat of August's sleek car, the city lights of New York streaming past in blurred streaks of neon. I was clueless about our destination, but the nature of our journey suggested it was somewhere secluded, far from the prying eyes of the public. August hadn't bothered with her usual disguise and, against her usual preference, we were travelling together.

The reason behind her solitary travel habits traced back to a traumatic incident a few years ago. A deliberate collision had targeted her car, but instead of finding her, the assailant had caused harm to her mother. Since then, her car had become her fortress, a sanctuary that she rarely shared with anyone else.

However, tonight was different. She had made it clear that this was a one-time exception, a deviation from her usual rules. She couldn't risk putting me in harm's way because of her or for her. I had merely nodded in response, feeling it wasn't my place to argue.

The car was shrouded in darkness, and despite August's presence right beside me, an eerie sense of loneliness crept in. It was a stark reminder of my pre-Vegas life, a life often filled with monotonous solitude whenever Luke wasn't around. It was a stark reminder that I was alone in this vast world.

My train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a sudden touch on my lap. Startled, I turned towards August, her face hidden in the darkness. I could almost visualize a playful grin on her face as she intertwined her fingers with mine. It was as if she had read my mind, offering the comfort I needed.

Her touch was soothing, and I tightened my grip on her fingers, sinking deeper into the seat. In the span of a few days, I had grown closer to August Skye than I had ever imagined possible. Closer than I had ever been with anyone in a romantic sense. Dating was never my forte. My life was too consumed with work to entertain the idea of a serious relationship. I had had my fair share of casual flings, but nothing substantial. I wasn't cut out for serious, and neither did the women I dated. Yet, here I was, with August Skye, the last person I would have expected to be with. She wasn't ready for an annulment yet. She wanted to give this a shot, and I thought, why shouldn't I?

Suddenly, an unexpected object collided with my face and tumbled onto our intertwined hands. Startled, I yanked my hand away with a shriek, only to be met with August's hearty laughter. Fumbling in the dark, I searched for the light switch. When I finally found it, I flicked it on, revealing her keychain resting innocently in my lap. I shot her a glare that could have bored holes through her, but it only served to fuel her laughter. "Real mature," I grumbled in a mock pout, reaching for the keychain.

A smirk played on her lips as she tentatively reached out for my hand again. "Apologies. It was just too silent."

"And your solution was to make me scream?" I retorted.

She shrugged nonchalantly, her laughter subsiding. "I didn't think you would. I assumed you'd have more control over your reactions, especially in the company of others."

I rolled my eyes at her, feigning annoyance. "If you throw something at me that I can't identify, I'll scream. I wouldn't know if it's a lizard or something. I couldn't care less about the 'presence of others.'"

She looked taken aback. "Where would I even find a lizard?"

"Outside, I guess. I don't fucking know."

Her gasp was theatrical. "You have quite a sailor's mouth, don't you?"

I bit my tongue, shooting her an impish smile. "Only occasionally. I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable."

She shook her head, her eyes softening. "It doesn't. It's intriguing. I'm still getting to know you, Willow, and I'm taking mental notes of all these little details."

August SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now