Part 1

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There are those fleeting instances, right before the tendrils of consciousness reclaim your mind, where you exist in a state of serene ignorance. In these moments, we are blissfully unaware of the myriad of errors we've committed in our past or the chaotic state of the world that surrounds us. We find a momentary respite, a fleeting second of peace.

Gradually, however, the veil of oblivion began to lift. The first sensation to return to me was a throbbing ache in my skull. At the outset, it was merely a dull throb, but with each passing second, it intensified, growing in tandem with the ticking clock. I could feel my facial features contorting, grimacing in discomfort as I attempted to gather the strength to lift my hands and soothe my aching temples. Yet, only one hand responded to my command.

The other one remained immobile, trapped under a weight that was slowly but surely restricting my blood flow. That same oppressive mass was draped over my waist and one of my thighs. The delicate scent of something floral began to infiltrate my senses, threatening to provoke a sneeze. It was an indistinct fragrance, potent yet oddly soothing. I drew in a deep breath, allowing the scent to permeate my lungs as I nestled further into the plush embrace of the pillows.

My eyelids fluttered open, only to be immediately assaulted by a piercing pain that seemed to traverse the length of my skull. A low groan escaped from my parched throat as I shifted uncomfortably.

The weight on my right side persisted, limiting my movements. There was undoubtedly something, or rather someone, on top of me.

I forced my eyes open once more, disregarding the persistent headache, and waited for my vision to adjust. It took a few moments for my blurry surroundings to slowly come into focus, revealing the source of my restricted movements. She lay on her side, her head nestled into the crook of my hand, partially obscuring her delicate features behind a curtain of wavy black hair.

She remained in the clutches of sleep, her naturally rosy lips slightly parted as she breathed softly. Her eyelids fluttered gently, a testament to the dreams playing out behind them. I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of her dreams as she lay sprawled out on my bed, draped over me.

Her hand was draped over my waist, pulling me closer to her, while her leg was comfortably nestled between mine. Our limbs seemed to fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that were designed to be together. But I knew that was the furthest thing from the truth.

So, I let my eyes fall shut once more, allowing her image to fade behind my closed eyelids. The notion that I'm still dreaming began to take root in my mind and for good reasons. The most glaring of which is the fact that I had a woman in my bed.

However, no matter how much longer I lay there, ensnared in the twisted sheets, or how many more times I opened and closed my eyes, she remained there. Her head nestled comfortably on my hand, using it as a makeshift pillow, while her delicate fingers interlocked around my waist. Her legs were entwined with mine in a manner that was all too intimate, in places her legs shouldn't have been. 

My heart started to race against the confines of my chest, panic rising like a tidal wave.

Gently, I pulled back, my fingers finding her hand and cautiously removing it from its perch around my waist. My hands ventured under the covers, locating her leg, and moved it with a gentle nudge. She stirred against me, causing me to stiffen, my heart threatening to leap out of my chest.

After a moment, she finally settled back into a peaceful slumber and I carefully slipped my hand from beneath her head, replacing it with a soft pillow. I was free to get up now, and I didn't waste a single moment. My heart was a relentless drum in my chest as I paced the confines of the room, my gaze never straying far from her. She was still nestled comfortably against the pillows, her perfectly shaped lips slightly parted as she slept. 

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