Chapter 12- The Night The Truth Reveals

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"Vulgar, hideous serpent, I shall deliver you to hell's doorstep." Barnabas grabs her throat and swings her left and right before throwing her to the roof.

Angie lands in Carolyn's room and she hears growling above her. She turns and see Carolyn, but instead of human she is a werewolf. Carolyn looks up and growls more. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!"

Angie sits up and looks down at the hole, seeing Mrs. Johnson wiping Barnabas face clean. She float down capturing Barnabas attention and looks at him with dead eyes, while the other glares. She starts taking steps, but is interrupted.

"Angelique! Get out of my house." Elizabeth is on top of the stairs with a shot gun loaded. She shoots Angie in the arms and the stomach, making her fall to the ground.

Angie lays on the ground and flips over, picking up her arms and moving it in a way that is un-natural, and gets up turning to look at Elizabeth. "Your house?"

Elizabeth and Barnabas hear laughing and saw it was the portraits and the statues coming to life. A snake that was carved on the stairs comes to life and starts slithering to Elizabeth. She shoots it making it recoil, but launches forward grabbing the gun. They each tug at it till Elizabeth pulls the trigger making it blow-up.

Angie looks back at Barnabas. "Enough trickery." Barnabas walks till he is close to her and smacks her.

"I worshiped you."

"Plagued me." Smacked again.

"Adored you!" Angie smacks back.

"Despised you!" Barnabas grabbed a planked at hit her head, making her land on the stairs, and grabbing her head to make it stop spinning.

"Fine. If Collins blood built this house then let us bathe in it." She looked at one part of the house then the other, making the paintings bleed. She looked at another part and the walls start to crack to the floor.

Elizabeth walks backwards on the stairs on high alert. The statue next to her comes alive and reaches for her. She shoots it making it stop. Angie looks at the fireplace and made the fire burst, catching the furniture close by on fire. She threw a table close to Barnabas making him back up and a statue was able to grab him.

Angie starts walking towards him, but is stop when Carolyn jumps in front of her. "Leave us alone."

"Carolyn?" Elizabeth says in shocked. "Carolyn, my god."

"I'm a werewolf, okay? Let's not make a big deal out of it. Woof." Carolyn look at her mom then at Angie. She jumps at her and starts attacking her. They struggle for a while till Angie flings Carolyn to the wall. Carolyn gets up and runs to Angie, biting her arm, but Angie throws her to the stairs knocking her out.

Elizabeth kneels next to Carolyn, "What have you done to my daughter?"

"Well, Liz, your perfect Collins pedigree lacked a bit of substance. So I sent a werewolf who bit Carolyn in her crib." Fire then surrounded the stairs. Angie turns around to look at David and Victoria, who was watching by the wall. "Just like I made David no better than a bastard, when I sent his mommy to the ocean floor to have tea with the tuna." Angie walks till she is directly under Barnabas. "And as for you, my love..." She crawls till she is face to face with him. "...I killed your mother and father. I cursed your family, my Barnabas. They kept us apart. They never understood, we're the same. We're meant to be."

"Leave him alone." David says standing there. "I think I'll kill you first, orphan." Angie jumps down, walking towards him till Victoria stands in front of Angie. "Don't you dare." Victoria grabs a piece of wood at smack Angie on her face, making her back up. This goes on for a while till Angie smacks the wood out of Victoria's hands and pushes her away towards the stairs.

"David get out!" Elizabeth yells.

"Your quarrel is with me." Barnabas says not wanting David to get hurt by any means since he looks at him like a son.

"My quarrel is with all of you." Angie says standing in front of David, who moved to be looking at the hall behind Angie. "I'm warning you. This is your last chance. Let us go."

"And what will you do if I don't, you little bastard?" She questions.

"Not me. My mom." Angie turns around to see the ghost of David's mother appearing. She shrieks, blowing Angie to the chandelier, the weight added causing it to break and fall to the ground. The magic controlling the statues disappeared, making Barnabas able to escape.

"GO!" He yells. Carolyn lifts Carolyn up and walks to the front door. David runs to Victoria waking her up and helping her outside. The fire burning everything in the Foyer and travelling up to the next floor. Once close to door, David wakes Willie up so he to don't burn.

Barnabas walks to Angie and kneels to her. "So this is how it ends." He moves her face so she can look at him. "So quiet, as if you were asleep. You know, there was a time when I might have loved you. We could have spent eternity together."

"We still...can." Angie whispers, it being hard to talk.

"You never wanted my love. You wanted to possess me."

"No. I love you, Barnabas." A tear slides down on a crack on Angie face, showing how heartbroken she really is.

"You cannot love, Angelique. That is your curse." Angie frees her hand and place it on her chest, breaking it to grab her heart that is still beating.

"Take it." Angie whispers bring it close to Barnabas, but when he doesn't move it breaks like glass would. Angie arm goes limb and like that the witch is dead.

Barnabas cress Angie cheek, it breaking like glass would, with a sadden look, but looks up, going to find Y/n.


Light And Shadows (Barnabas Collins x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin