Chapter 12- The Night The Truth Reveals

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The Station wagon roars up the driveway and stops in front of the Manor, Willie getting out quickly. David and Barnabas runs to the front, while Elizabeth, Victoria, and Carolyn runs out the front door. The whole family panicking and worrying about whats to come next.

"Willie. What on earth's happened?" Elizabeth questions.

"Fire. Murder. Angry mob. Run!" Willie says being out of breath and running to who know where.

"David, go inside." Elizabeth says wanting David safe and Barnabas follows him. Elizabeth goes up the steps and stands next to Carolyn and Victoria.

Angie's car drives up and everyone from town follows. Angie gets out to walk towards them and the Sheriff comes from the other side. "Liz...I'm sorry. We're gonna have to take you in. All of you." The Sheriff says.

Elizabeth walks towards the crowd. "Bill...the Collins family built this town. We built it with our boats and our nets. With our sacrifices and our blood. And this is how you repay us?"

"You've been harboring a murderer. Arrest them." Angie says with crazy and revenge look in her eyes.

"I shall go willingly to whatever punishment harm befalls my family." Barnabas walks out the house and towards Angie.

"Hold it right there." Barnabas uses his mind trick on the Sheriff.

"And provided Miss Bouchard goes along with me for she is no less a monster than I." Victoria ushers Carolyn inside and closes the door behind them. Barnabas is in front of Angie and wraps a hand around her neck. "Perhaps it is best if we are both destroyed."

"Mr. Collins, back off! I'm warning you!" The Sheriff pulls his gun up. Angie place her hand on top of Barnabas as he apply more pressure. Once the Sheriff saw this he pulls the trigger and shot Barnabas in the back multiple times, but nothing happens. This made everyone gasp.

"Go on, slaughter me. Show them what you are." Angie says with her face cracking.

"No. I shall show them what we are." He made Angie lean to the side and bites her in the neck. Angie pushes Barnabas away and he goes through the doors of the Manor. Elizabeth turns to Angie with anger on her face.

"What did that man do to Angie." A women from the crowd says.

"It's not him, it's her. She's a witch." Elizabeth says. Angie turns around to face the crowd, who gasp in fear.

"Excuse me." She says and walks towards the manor. Once she got to the entrance Willie pops out with an ax, "You gotta get through me first, lady." She throws Willie to the side like it was nothing and keeps walking.


Outside the Sheriff looks at her in disbelief and grabs the microphone, thinking of what to do. "All right, everybody, go on home now. Nothing to see here. Let's move." The Sheriff says wanting everyone to leave so no one can get hurt.


"You should've loved me, Barnabas. None of this would've happened if you'd just loved me." Angie says with a look of hurt on her face.

Barnabas gets up from the floor, "I should have destroyed you. You've brought me nothing but misery"

"I gave you my heart." Angie yells.

"You have no heart." He yells back.

"You're the curse! Women are undone by loving you. Y/n, Dr. Hoffman. And your beloved Y/n/n."

"I command you to release her from your curse."

"Command? You make me sick." She throes vomit at his direction, but Barnabas doges. "Missed me." Angie vomits again and this time it hits him in the face.

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