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Armored Core: Project Phantasma: Amuro and Char's arrival brings a fresh perspective to the mysterious and dangerous world of Project Phantasma. Their mobile suit experience provides them with a unique edge in piloting Armored Cores, allowing them to uncover hidden secrets and perhaps even question the true motives behind the project.

Armored Core: Master of Arena: In the midst of the power struggles within Isaac City, Amuro and Char's presence could either escalate the conflicts or offer a glimmer of hope for resolution. Their moral compass and desire for justice might lead them to take a stand for the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, potentially forming alliances with other Ravens who share their goals.

Armored Core 2: Amuro and Char's involvement in the Mars Terraforming Project could bring much-needed expertise and diplomacy to a world marked by corporate rivalries. They might become influential figures who work toward forging alliances and finding peaceful solutions to the ongoing disputes.

Armored Core 2: Another Age: As tensions rise, Amuro and Char's reputation as skilled pilots and peacemakers could make them sought-after mediators in the conflicts between corporations and the government. They may strive to prevent all-out war and advocate for cooperation among factions.

Armored Core 3: In this post-apocalyptic setting, Amuro and Char's expertise becomes invaluable in the fight against The Controller and uncovering the mysteries of Layered. Their experience dealing with advanced technology and artificial intelligence makes them pivotal figures in the struggle to reclaim control from the AI.

Silent Line: Armored Core: The discovery of technology resembling The Controller's adds an intriguing layer to the narrative. Amuro and Char may lead a coalition of Ravens from various corporations to investigate and counter the autonomous technology, striving to maintain balance and prevent chaos.

Armored Core: Nexus: Amid renewed corporate warfare, Amuro and Char's involvement could disrupt established power dynamics. Their decisions on which factions to align with or their attempts to broker peace might introduce unexpected shifts in the conflict.

Armored Core: Last Raven: With the emergence of "The Alliance" and "Vertex," Amuro and Char might be drawn into the high-stakes battle for dominance. Their influence and leadership could impact the outcome of the conflict and, ultimately, the future of the Armored Core world.

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