(Project Phantasma) - Mission #1

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Mission #1: Search and Destroy

After some time pasted by for Amuro Ray and his mobile suit known as Hi-Nu Gundam.

Amuro Ray became part of a mercenary group known as the Ravens train a bunch of elite people to become the world's greatest mercenaries to take any kind of contract.

How many of the other Ravens also saw the mobile suits in it didn't look like anything like an Armored Core.

Amuro Ray became the number two top Raven of Raven's Nest seen as many other Ravens were admired by Amuro skills of a pilot. However, some Ravens were jealous of the Newtype of the universal century.

Amuro Ray caught himself a new mission of Search and Destroy in a location of train yard in a desert area.

Amuro Ray saluted the person who gave him the mission and went to his mobile suit, Hi-Nu Gundam, and flew off to the location.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam: so this must be the place of the search and destroy mission..

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam received a communications coming from communication interception.

<Communication interception>: "Mayday! Mayday! We are under attack by an unknown machine! Requesting immediate assistance!

Many enemy units turned out to be Centaur (tank) and Scimitar (MT) attacking the train yard.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam: Why the hell would they try to attack a train yard for no reason! Whatever this is Amuro Ray, Hi-Nu Gundam, ready to engage enemy units!!

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam flying towards the enemy units using the fin funnels to destroy many Centaur (tank).

Using the impressive firepower of the Hi-Nu Gundam, Amuro Ray swiftly decimated the enemy Centaur tanks. The destructive force of the mobile suit's fin funnels overwhelmed the enemy, leaving a trail of wreckage in their wake.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam: (COMS) This is Hi-Nu Gundam. I have neutralized the enemy Centaur tanks. Are there any more hostiles in the area?

<Communication interception>: (COMS) Thank you for your assistance, Hi-Nu Gundam. We have intel suggesting that there are more enemy units hiding in the train yard. Proceed with caution.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam deftly maneuvered through the train yard, scanning for any signs of enemy presence. With his heightened Newtype senses, he could detect the faintest disturbances in the air, giving him a tactical advantage.

Suddenly, a group of Scimitar MTs emerged from behind a row of train cars. They opened fire, their plasma cannons blazing with deadly intent.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam: (COMS) More enemy units detected. Engaging the Scimitar MTs!

Amuro Ray skillfully evaded the incoming plasma blasts, his reflexes honed by years of piloting mobile suits. He retaliated with a barrage of beam rifle shots, disintegrating the Scimitar MTs one by one.

As the dust settled, Amuro Ray scanned the area once more, ensuring that no other threats remained.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam: (COMS) All enemy units neutralized. The train yard is secure.

<Communication interception>: (COMS) Excellent work, Hi-Nu Gundam. We are grateful for your assistance. Return to base for debriefing and rest. Another mission may come soon.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam: (COMS) Understood. I'll head back to base immediately.

With the mission successfully completed, Amuro Ray piloted his Hi-Nu Gundam back to Raven's Nest, where he would receive his well-deserved rest and await his next assignment.

Little did he know that this mission was just the beginning of a new chapter in his life, as he would soon face even greater challenges and uncover the truth about this world and its connection to his own. But for now, Amuro Ray allowed himself a moment of respite, knowing that he had made a difference in this post-apocalyptic world.

To be continued...

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