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In Year U.C.0093

Axis was falling into Earth to cause an ice age.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam destroying the red comets mobile suit with a pod pushed against Axis.

Many Londo Bell and Earth Federation mobile suits also wanted to help pushing Axis back.

Not also Neo Zeon mobile suits also decided to push Axis back as well.

The psycho frame activated pushing back Axis pushing back from Earth.

However, the psycho frame system started to activate a different way. The light of the psycho frame consumed both the white devil and the red comet as they were no longer there.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam started spinning around in this unknown void. However, he saw Earth. However, the way it was, it was different. There weren't any space colonies.

Amuro Ray in mind: [ What's going on like the psycho frame react to that could it be something that I've never seen before..]

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam, to see now, you can see the ground getting closer. However, what he saw shocked him even more to see that cities that were actually abandoned and destroyed.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam crash landed so hard into the ground, causing him to knock out for some time.

A few seconds pass by.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam was still knocked out from the hard crash landing.

Somewhere in the distance to Armored Core that's where actually a group of mercenaries looked at the mobile suit with intriguement.

Armored Core Mercenaries #1 to Armored Core Mercenaries #2: what the hell is this thing I never seen anything like it before..

Armored Core Mercenaries #2 to Armored Core Mercenaries #1: who cares this thing could actually be some kind of new armored Core, and we might actually sell this..

Armored Core Mercenaries #1 to Armored Core Mercenaries #2: that sounds like one hell of idea, partner!

the two Armored Core mercenary scientist Salvage of Hi-Nu Gundam, Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam start open his eyes from the alarms coming from within the mobile suit.

Amuro Ray: what the hell's going on..!?

Amuro Ray looked at the monitors of his mobile suit to see some unknown looking mobile suits that he had never seen before that didn't seem to belong to them Earth Federation or Zeon.

Amuro Ray could tell that these this unknown mobile suits we're going to try to take his Mobile Suit away.

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam got up on his feet of the mobile suit got on its feet,  this action surprised the two mercenaries inside the Armored Core.

Armored Core Mercenaries #1: what the hell!?

Armored Core Mercenaries #2: this unknown Armored Core able to move, meaning that there's someone inside..

Armored Core Mercenaries #1: then it seems that we're about to have a bit of a fun with this unknown pilot to see how good he is against us..

the Two mercenaries inside their armored cores aimed their weapons at Hi-Nu Gundam.

Two mercenaries inside their armored cores fired their weapons at Hi-Nu Gundam, Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam  dodging many of enemy projectiles of rockets and bullets and plasma shots.

Armored Core Mercenaries #1: talk about the pilots is actually one hell of a good person of actually piling this unknown machine!

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam firing he's been rifle destroying one of the legs of the Armored Core the pilots of one of the of one of The Mercenaries.

Armored Core Mercenaries #1: what the hell!?

Armored Core Mercenaries #2: one shot from that weapon of his can actually destroy my like that easily just who the hell is this guy and where the hell did he get this unknown Armored Core !?

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam fired the beam rifle at the second Armored Core of the other mercenary piloting it destroying right arm of the second Armored Core.

Amuro Ray to Two Armored Core  Mercenaries: (COMS) now you two better tell me what the hell is going on before I will have to do things the hard way..

The first mercenary, startled by the power and skill of Amuro Ray, quickly activates a communication link.

Armored Core Mercenary #1: (COMS) Hold on, hold on! We didn't mean any harm, we were just curious about your Armored Core. We've never seen anything like it before!

Amuro Ray, still on guard, demands answers.

Amuro Ray: (COMS) Who are you? And where am I?

Armored Core Mercenary #2: (COMS) We're just a group of mercenaries scavenging and salvaging Armored Cores in this post-apocalyptic world. As for your location, we're in a section of the world was actually ravaged by the overpopulation of many people living on Earth not to mention by so many problems of why the world is like this..

Armored Core Mercenary #1: (COMS) many corporations started building these Mass produce humanoid weapons called armored cores for dealing with criminals terrorists and other kinds of rebellious actions..

Amuro Ray listens intently, taking in the information from the mercenaries.

Amuro Ray: (COMS) So, these Armored Cores are being used by corporations to maintain order in this world? And what about space colonies? Are there any left?

Armored Core Mercenary #2: (COMS) Space colonies? No, space companies haven't been developed yet.. looking at the Mars program of colonization the planet is being developed to be a new colony for many of the populace of Earth actually be there.

Armored Core Mercenary #1: (COMS) that's right ever since the overpopulation the Mars development had to be put on hold.. with many chaotic shit that was happening on the surface..

Amuro Ray takes a moment to process the information. The world he knew was gone, replaced by chaos and destruction. Thinking about what exactly he could do when this new world.. Amuro Ray couldn't help if the Red Comet could be this new world.

Amuro Ray: (COMS)  fine I will think about, but I'll do things my way...

Amuro Ray inside Hi-Nu Gundam starting to thrusters of his mobile suit flying off somewhere to actually survive in this new world, leaving the two pilots Mercenaries of their Armored Cores in shock and astonishment.

As Amuro Ray flew off into the distance, the two mercenaries could only watch in awe at the power and skill displayed by the white devil. They knew that if they wanted to survive in this post-apocalyptic world, they would have to step up their game.

Armored Core Mercenary #1: (COMS) We need to report this to our higher-ups. This guy could be a valuable asset to our organization.

Armored Core Mercenary #2: (COMS) Agreed. Let's get back to base and inform them about what we've witnessed here today.

The two mercenaries quickly retreated, leaving the wreckage of their damaged Armored Cores behind. They knew that they had just encountered something extraordinary, and they had to act fast to make the most of this opportunity.

Meanwhile, Amuro Ray continued to fly through the ravaged landscape, his mind swirling with thoughts. He knew that he had to find a way to make a difference in this new world, just as he had done in the past. The power of his Hi-Nu Gundam gave him a fighting chance, but he needed a plan.

Amuro Ray: (in his mind) I can't let this world descend into further chaos. I have to use my skills and the power of this Armored Core to bring peace and stability.

As Amuro Ray flew on, he couldn't help but wonder about the fate of his old ally and rival, Char Aznable. Were they both transported to this new world? And if so, what role would the red comet play in this unfamiliar landscape?

Little did Amuro know, Char Aznable was also alive and well in this new world, his own Armored Core at the ready. The stage was set for a clash of titans, as the white devil and the red comet would once again cross paths. But this time, their battles would shape the destiny of a world in desperate need of heroes.

To be continued...

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