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Shadon Burnell Sdot Bronx, New York

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Shadon Burnell
Bronx, New York

"Don't put your trust in me pussy nigga i ah break your heart" shanti sung in the car

"You singing that part a lil hard" i said side
Eyeing her and looking back at the road

"Cause I would break these niggas hearts fr"  she said not looking up from her phone

"You got a boyfriend or something" i said glancing at her

"Do a nigga got me is the real question" she said looking dead at me

"Go let amiyrah in for me" shanti said peeking her head in the living room making me stop stuffing my face and look in her direction

"Why she over here" I asked getting up

"Your in my business" she said walking back into her room

I opened the door and unlocking the screen door seeing her standing there looking dumb with bags resting on both arms

"Why you got all this shit" i said grabbing a bag off her arm

"That's like me asking you why you Carry a gun which way is shanti room" she asked as I shut the door behind her.

"First door to your right & why you over here anyways" I asked going to sit and eat my food

"I'm doing shanti make up" that was all she said before heading towards shant's room.

I heard music coming from the room but I decided to let them do they lil girly shit.

30 min later The doors unlocking made me get up out my sleep and look up at the door

"Shadon" she yelled putting her bags on the floor and stepping inside locking the doors up behind her

"I'm in here ma" i said getting up and stretching making my legs shake

"Boy I though you would've went home shanti left already" she questioned

Music & chatter coming from the room let me know that they we're definitely still here

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