"I don't" Alberta mumbled "I'm not here for you Katherine, my business will take place after this conversation"

She nodded slowly before she looked at Mikhail, she knew he didn't believe anything that Janine was saying.

However as she looked at her mother she knew she did, the only problem was that her mother was a seasoned and decorated guardian meaning that Janine could destroy her career before it had ever started.

"Exactly how do you think I've been blackmailing the princess" she asked

Janine looked at her and eldest daughter and rolled her eyes "we know you've blackmailing her into giving you the position as her guardian when she leaves school so that you can get close to the royals and become a bloodwhore for them. You might as well go and live in the bloodwhore communes in Russia for that" Janine spat

She heard a low growl from behind her and twisted just in time to grab Dimitris arm stopping him from attacking anyway
"Shhh" she whispering as she gently ran her fingers over his knuckles

"eta suka" he growled (that bitch) " v etikh kommunakh ne derzhat krovavykh shlyukh" (those communes do not hold bloodwhores)

She nodded "I know honey" she whispered softly as she gently took the stake from his hand

"You can't take a guardians stake" Rose growled "have you learned nothing"

Kat looked at her sister and rolled her eyes as she placed his stake into her back pocket "unless you have express permission from that guardian your not allowed to take it, but I have permission" she mumbled before she looked back at Dimitri "calm down" she whispered

She watched him take a few deep breaths before he nodded a little, she turned around and looked at Janine, she felt Dimitri gently take the stake from her back pocket and smiled a little before she shook her head.

"I have not been blackmailing her into giving me the job as her guardian, I have not spoken to rose in weeks" Kat sighed

"Yes you have, Lissa said you forced her to put your name on the allocations list" Janine spoke

Kat looked over at Mikhail and watched him give her a small smile, she sighed and nodded "I did not force Lissa to put me on her allocations list, if I'm on her list that's her problem, she won't get me anyway, I haven't put my allocations list in yet" she mumbled

All the heads in the room snapped to her "what do you mean you haven't put your list in yet, your supposed to do it this year" Alberta mumbled

She sighed and watched as Mikhail stepped out of the shadows shocking Alberta, Rose, Lissa and Janine

"Tell them" he muttered as he looked at the woman he calls his sister

She nodded "I haven't put my allocations list in because I'm not sure I want to be a guardian" she whispered

Janine looked at her before she growled "so what, your just going to leave and became a whore in the communes" she snarled

She snapped her head to Janine "Those people in those communes are not whores, there not bloodwhores either, they are people, people who don't want to live in our fucked up society, a society that says two dhampir cannot love one another, the people in these communes do not give a shit about titles, or gentics, love for love, they laugh because they're a happy and they live" she sighed as she ran her hands through her hair "your should be careful how you speak about people in these communes mother, especially since guardian belikovs family live there" she snarled at her mother

Janine went to open her mouth but the look on Dimitris face made her snap her mouth closed and glare at her daughter.

"She's been sleeping with moroi" Rose shouted out once it had gotten quite

All eyes turned to Rose "kats been sleeping with moroi and letting them bite her" she whispered

Kat looked at her sister before she giggled "when" she asked "when exactly did I do that"

"Just before you came here" rose smirked

Kat giggled and looked at pavel and Dimitri "oh sister, I was with pavel and Dimitri before I can here" she chuckled before she glared at her

"How about we tell some of your little secrets sister" she smirked "how about the fact that you seduces Andre Dragomir into biting you, or the fact that you let Jesse bite you whenever he likes, the fact that your strong along masen, and let's not forget that your tried to get guardian belikov to sleep with you once you had gotten drunk at a party"

"It's not fair you get everything" Rose yelled at her as she slammed her hands on the table

She sighed "do I really" she asked "what exactly do I get"

"You get presents and money, you cheat through tests, I bet your scars aren't even real" she snarled

Kat froze as she looked at her sister and her own mother stood next to her smiling.

"Every year we have been here Christmas and birthdays have meant nothing to me, I have got nothing from family, but you got everything, presents off liss, off the Dragomirs, off me" she muttered "as for my scars rose they are very real, they burn every day, every single night it feels like my back is getting ripped to shreds over and over again, every single waking moment I am in pain, every hour of every single day I wish I had died that day, is that what you wish Rosie, perhaps if I learn how to time travel and go back, not fight these stragoi then you'd be happy huh" she snarled

"Yes..yes I would, you should have died" she screamed at her sister

Kat looked at her and nodded "believe me, apart of me did" she whispered as she took one look around the room before she walked out of the cabin, not turning back to see if anyone was following her.

She walked and walked until she reached the ward line and looked into the dark forest ahead of her, she looked around before she stepped over the ward line and walked into the dark forest infront of her.

Angel of destiny|| d.belikov Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora