Rosalie smirks and she kisses him chastely before pulling away. "Did you like that?" she teases. "Did you like me flirting with her?"

Emmett swallows thickly. "I did," he replies, "very much." He kisses her again and they soon find their way upstairs.

"Hey, Keiko?" Jasper approaches her. "Can you go get Rosalie and Emmett? Alice had a vision. We need them."

"Where is their room?" the human asks. She saw them go upstairs earlier.

"Last door on the right, third floor," Jasper says. "Thank you."

Keiko goes upstairs and she goes up another flight. She knocks before opening the door and sees a very naked Rosalie riding Emmett.

"Hey!" Rosalie greets.

"I - uh - Alice had a vision," Keiko says as her eyes zero in on Rosalie's eyes so she refrains from looking at her perky breasts again. "They need you downstairs." She turns and she quickly goes downstairs and goes to her father.

Haruto opens his arms and Keiko walks into them as Rosalie and a smug Emmett and the others (vampires and wolves) join them. Haruto inhales his daughter's human scent and it calms him down and keeps him from going after the mass of humans inside.

"Keiko! You came," Bella says when she and Edward finally join them.

"Hi, Bella," Keiko greets. She's been down in La Push a few times this last couple of weeks to see Jacob. Leah kind of bit her head off, but she told Keiko about Bella playing with Jacob's head and feelings (rather she means to or not), so Keiko wasn't upset with her girlfriend. "Congratulations on graduating."

"Thanks," Bella says. "You look pretty."

"You should wear dresses more often. You're gorgeous," Keiko flirts and Bella blushes, making Edward smile a little. "Okay, I'm done." She curls into her dad's arms. "Carry on." 

Alice tells them all about the vision she had and Keiko learns about the vampire in Bella's bedroom. She's not upset that she was left out of this vampire drama, she understands because she's human. She knew that the wolves have been patrolling a lot lately but this explains that.

"How long?" Edward asks.

"They'll be here in four days," Alice says.

The Cullens thought they'd be going to Seattle for Victoria or something, but as it turns out, the threat is coming to Forks instead.

"This could turn into a blood bath," Carlisle claims and Keiko frowns concerned.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asks.

"I didn't see anyone I recognize," Alice says. "Well, maybe one..." She thinks of a face from her vision for Edward to see.

"I know his face," Edward claims. "He's local, Riley Biers."

Bella is visibly shaken by that name. Her dad had his Missing Persons flyer laying on the dining table just the other morning.

"He didn't start this," Edward says after he catches Bella's eyes.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action," Alice says.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your visions," Carlisle claims.

"Either way," Jasper chimes in, "the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town."

"Army?" Keiko gasps.

"What Damn army?" Jacob asks sharply as Haruto tries to comfort his daughter.

"Newborns," Carlisle says as he ignores Edward's attempt to get Carlisle to leave the wolves out of this. "Our kind."

Keiko glances at her father and he nods, confirming that he's a newborn. She nods and turns back to the meeting.

"What are they after?" Embry asks.

"In my vision, they were passing around Bella's scent," Alice replies. "A red blouse."

Embry's eyes widen. "They're after Bella?"

"What the hell does this mean?" Jacob asks firmly, his inner alpha (from his grandfather) coming out.

"It means an ugly fight," Carlisle replies honestly, "with lives lost."

"The lives of the newborns, I hope," Keiko says in a stern tone that makes Jasper smirk; he admires her fire.

"Oh, hell yeah," Emmett says and he high-fives her.

While that's happening. Jacob shares a sober look with Embry and Quill, who give him an imperceptible nod.

"Alright..." Jacob turns to the vampires. "We're in."

"No," Bella says quickly, shaking her head. "You'll get yourselves killed."

Keiko doesn't argue because her concerns are the same. She doesn't want the wolves to fight and risk their lives. Jasper glances at her when he feels her worry. A similar one he feels within Bella.

"I wasn't asking for permission," Jacob says in a distant tone.

"Edward..." Bella says pleadingly.

"It means more protection for you," Edward says and Keiko sniffs on her feet.

"Jacob," Carlisle speaks. "Do you believe that Sam I'll agree to... an understanding?"

"As long as we get to kill some vampires," Jacob answers.

"What do you think, Jasper?" Carlisle asks the empath.

"They'll give us the numbers," Jasper says. "And the newborns won't know they exist. That'll give us an advantage."

"We'll need to coordinate," Carlisle claims and Jacob nods in agreement.

"Carlisle, they'll get hurt," Bella pleas desperately.

"We'll all need some training," Carlisle says. "Fighting newborns requires a knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us."

"Jasper, can I talk to you?" Keiko asks softly.

Jasper nods and they walk off into the woods, the wolves worry but don't follow.

"Can you give me the odds of this fight if the pack joins?" Keiko asks.

"You're an imprint, aren't you?" Jasper asks her and she nods. "Do you want the truth?" he asks and she nods. "The odds are better with them. The risk of them or someone getting hurt is there, but... the chances of us coming out whole are greater with the pack. I think they should do it."

"Then I won't fight against it," Keiko says. "Thank you for your honesty."

Jasper nods and he leads her back to the house. They're making small talk about the Japanese people he's met as a vampire and she's laughing at his American accent speaking end language as he says something as he walks her to the door.

Jacob lowers his russet wolf to the ground in the woods once Jasper walks her out.

"Take care of yourself, Jasper," Keiko says. "I like you."

Jasper nods, smirking. "You're not too bad," he replies and Jacob stands.

Keiko lays against him and grabs his fur before he takes off running, Quill and Embry flank on rather side of him as they head back to La Push.

Another Chance (L. Clearwater)Where stories live. Discover now