Chapter 5

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The day was here. The day was really here when I would fufill my dream to become an astronaut and extend the human knowledge of our DNA using the cosmic cloud. And lets just say that I was really REALLY excited. 

I boarded the spacecraft, dragging my small bag of equipment behind me. It was absolutely huge, with the crew bustling around the main compartment of the ship. Most everything was white, with the casual specks of blue scanners and technology provided by NASA. I placed my bag in the luggage area, a small pocket in the interior of the ship. 

"Ms. Beckers," someone started, "I don't believe you will be needing that." I turned around to see none other than the lead scientist on the mission, Reed Richards, engaging in conversation with me. I was about to faint. "We have all the equipment we need on the ship, with Victor providing everything and all." That meant that...

"LONZIE!!!" came a shrill voice from the only annoying person I know, Sylvia. How was I to guess that she would be coming on the mission too. Oh god.

"Sylvia, I thought you said you were studying chemistry. This is an astronomy mission with a little bit of biology mixed in. None of this has to do with anything regarding chemistry." I explained to her. 

"Yeah, well what if I learn about astronomy just to extend my knowledge of science. And while we are on the subject of chemistry..." She pointed at Johnny strutting into the room like a flamingo dressed in a tight, blue suit. 


"Johnny?! You never told me that you were coming here!" I exclaimed. My only question was why the not-heavens was he wearing that tight... extremely tight... blue suit. 

"Yeah, I thought I would surprise you. Most ladies seem to like surprises." he flirted.

"Well I'm not a lady. I'm a college girl. And since you seem to like college girls, I'll make sure to keep my distance from you." I replied, trying not to stare down at his lower-half too much. I walked a little distance, but he jumped in front of me and blocked my way. I turned around to see Sylvia mouthing "Go for it", but I chose not to and pushed my way in front of him. 

"I'm going to go introduce myself to the rest of the crew, feel free to tag along, but I'd rather you don't." I stated. In a few minutes I found myself in the same room as the rest of the crew; Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Sue Storm, and Victor von Doom. 

"Ms. Beckers, I assume." Victor huffed and shook my hand. "Sylvia has told me a lot about you. You seem like the right kind of girl to spend her life up in space, then probably die alone up here either by accident or wallowing in your own misery."

"Thanks... I think..."

"I'm just teasing. I would never actually insult such a bright person when I first met them. It would just endly poorly, mostly for me." he laughed. I wasn't laughing. I was just confused. 

"Oh... sure..." I stuttered. He noticed my lack of enthusiasm and moved on to assembling some equipment. I then attempted to introduce myself to the rest of the team, without many awkward problems. 

"Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Lonzie-" I started but was then interrupted by Johnny lifting his helmet with my hand stuck in his grasp. He was wearing a spacesuit and his thick gloves were apparently stronger than my petite hands. 

"Hey, I want to show you something." he sighed, pulling me through the room, to a large dip in the floor. He shoved me in and then pressed a button next to the stairs. 

I watched as the window guards peeled back to reveal the most beautiful thing I have ever seen; outer space. Johnny climbed back into the hole, standing unnaturally close to me. I took a step away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back closer to him. 

"Woah." I sighed, my head tilting back a bit on my neck.

"Yeah, I thought you would like it." he smiled. Suddenly, the windows closed and the room became darker in the light of artificial lightbulbs. I turned around to see Sylvia clicking her gum and twirling a piece of long, black hair around her finger. 

"Hot-shot, we need you on the loading deck." she clicked her gum at him and batted her eyelashes. He jumped out of the hole, completely ignoring the stairs to his left. Just as I was about to leave, Johnny shot a look my way and made a "call me" sign with his hand. I rolled my eyes and left the dip in the floor.

The Storm Inside (a Johnny Storm/fantastic four fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ