Who are you?

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Today is the first day of school. It's different this year though. Mom's not here to send me off into the hole of misery so instead,  I'm riding with Elena today.

I'm eating Captain Crunch at the kitchen table while Aunt Jenna is scrambling around the kitchen. Elena comes through the doorway looking like she's stressed. Just then Aunt Jenna says, "Toast. I can make toast." Then Elena points out, "It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna," while getting herself coffee.

"Is there coffee?" My brother, Jeremy, asks. "Its your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." She drawls out. She gets something out of her purse then turns around and shows about 30 dollars in her hand. "Lunch money?" Elena quietly shoots it down while Jeremy grabs it all.

I go over to him and put my hand out, waiting for him to give some of the money. He playfully glares at me and hands me a 10. He sends me a side smile and walks away, playfully bumping my arm as he passed me. 

Aunt Jenna leaves to go to a meeting with someone while I finish my cereal. Elena must've asked Jeremy something to make him mad. She turns to me and asks if I'm ready. I put my bowl in the sink and grab my book bag with all my supplies in it and nod to tell her I'm ready.

Together, we go out to the porch to see Elena's friend, Bonnie, in the driveway in a light blue car.

Elena's quiet while Bonnie is talking to us about something her grams told her. I'm just silently looking out the window, dreading this school year already. I'm not ready for all of the stares that "I know I'll get. I'm quickly snapped out of my trance by something hitting the windshield with a loud thud.

We skid to a stop and Bonnie asks if Elena's okay. Yep. I'm good, Bonnie. Thanks for asking. Elena glances back at me, as if to see if I was okay and I send her a fake smile. 

While Bonnie apologizes to Elena again, I look out the window. I see a crow, just like the one we hit, perched on the fence to the cemetery. Creepy. Bonnie continues driving, and stops at Mystic Falls High School. Elena and I get out of the car. "Okay, have a good day, no boys, make friends. I love you." She gives me a hug and I walk up to the school. I look back at her and she waves as Bonnie drives away to the upperclassmen parking.

I wave back.

The first thing I do when I get in the school is take out my schedule, looking at the small print. Okay...

Homeroom- Mrs. Jay 8:00-8:30
Advanced English- Mrs. Jay 8:30-10:00
Advanced Social Studies- Mr. Berlin's 10:05-10:50
Advanced Science- Mr. Eckman 10:55-11:40
Band- Mr. Lonner 11:45-12:15
Lunch 12:15-12:55
Advanced Math- Mrs. Howl 1:00-2:30
Physical Education- Mr. Winchester 2:35- 3:10

Well..... at least I still have band to look forward too. I'm really not looking forward to school this year. I don't want to see everyone's sympathetic stares or their hear their conversations about me in the hallways. 

 As I walk down the hall, looking for my locker, which was number 114, I see people reconnecting, friends greeting each other. As the sound of chatter floods around me, I can't help but feel alone. After I'd changed, all of my friends had left me. It might be partially my fault due to my actions of cutting them off. I wish they'd stayed, though. 

I spot my locker and walk over to it, only for somebody to block it. I tap on their shoulder to get their attention, and gesture to my locker. They move and continue with talking to their friends. I open my locker and put in my bag after getting out a pencil, my binder and a book.

As I walk in to the classroom, I take a seat at the back, trying to not be noticed. Some people glance at me but don't do anything. I whip out my book, The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones, and start reading.

Love is Loyal (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now