Chapter Fifty-Two: The Attack

Start from the beginning

"They really are a lot like us," George smiled.

"This really makes me not understand why magical Britain is so against the old ways," Abby shakes her head. "Is there really something so bad about talking with your loved ones who have passed away?"

"It's not really about that, Abby," Harry tells her. "The main thing that I learned since entering the magical world is that basically the entire country is filled with those who let prejudiced nature rule their every thought. The Dark hate muggleborns, muggles, and blood-traitors. The Light hates dark families, Slytherins, and anyone who uses the old ways. And then basically everyone hates magical creatures, mystic souls, and who knows what else. While there are a lot that are getting used to you guys, this will never be enough to truly end all the hate that goes on back in Britain."

"We were already aware of the hate against mystic souls, but is there really so much hate in one country," T'challa asked them.

"To say that there is a lot of hate would be the understatement of the century," Buzz said. "You already know why Vallia and I left the country. There are still plenty of families just as bad or even worse than ours."

"Sirius's family is certainly bad," Harry says. "He told me about how his mother used to use all types of curses on him in order to force him to be who she wanted him to be. And that included using the Cruciatus curse on him even when he was a little kid."

"And that was just Sirius's mother," Fred said.

"The Black family have always been known for being evil and insane," George says.

"And while Sirius is pretty insane, he is definitely not evil," Fred chuckled a little.

"The rest of his family is, though," George sighed.

"Especially his cousin Bellatrix, who tortured Neville's parents until their brains broke," Fred said.

He squeezed Neville's shoulder to comfort him because he brought that up. Neville smiled at him, showing that there were no hard feelings.

"And his other cousin, Narcissa, is not much better given that she is married to Lucius Malfoy and the mother to Draco 'Prat' Malfoy," George groaned a little.

"The so-called 'Light' side is not much better, though," Harry made sure to point out. "After all, as Fred and George have told me, it is Dumbledore who has been at the forefront of making the old ways illegal. The 'Light' say that they fight against the ways of the 'Dark' even though they are pretty much the same thing, only going in opposite directions."

"Harry is right," Neville said. "For all of the 'Light' saying that they support equality, they sure have never done anything to change it. As the heir to the Longbottom family, my Gran has been teaching me since I was young about Wizegmont politics. So, I know that ever since Harry's grandparents died, no one has ever put forth a law to protect magical creatures nor put forth a motion to strip away all those horrible laws that give purebloods all the power."

"Our old DADA professor, Remus Lupin, is also a big example of how no one actually cares about magical creatures," Fred says.

"After years of terrible, psycho, and stupid DADA teaches, Remus was the best one we have had in years," George said.

"But when Snape revealed that Remus was a werewolf out of spite, he was forced to quit because of how many people are prejudiced against werewolves," Fred sighed unhappily.

"They only change once a month and yet people treat them as if are bloodthirsty monsters every single day," George almost growled.

"They become a monster once a month," Hawk raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like girls when it is their time of the month."

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