Extra #8

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Requested by potterheadxstfan

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       Jeongin grudgingly sat next to Chan, his gaze directly pinned on the ravenette, who sat between Jisung and Hyunjin.

He wouldn't admit it to himself, but he actually wanted to sit next to her, but the older two beat him to it, immediately starting up a conversation with her.

"So Seungmin," Changbin wiggled his brows, only conceding a half hearted hum from the brunette. "How are things going with Ahra?"

The others at the table started cooing, causing Seungmin to roll his eyes. "She was the one who invited me to that café,  I didn't want to be mean," he still had that blank expression except for that pink tint on his cheeks.

"Aww," Chan teased, the others joined by hooting loudly.

Jeongin was laughing at Seungmin's reaction but when his gaze landed on Chaewon, he froze. Something about the way she and Jisung were upset him. Much too touchy than usual.

But he chose to ignore that, giving himself mindless excuses that they're just best friends and its normal. That was until Jisung insist that Chaewon feeds him, giving the excuse that his hands were tired from helping out in the kitchen.

That really pulled his attention.

"Chae c'mon, its just a bite, please?" Jisung kept whining. He looked at Jeongin, a sly smirk on his lips and then at Chaewon who scoffed.

Now everyone was paying attention, so Chaewon decided to get it over with. She puffed out her cheeks, really done with Jisung.

"Fine!" She used her chopsticks to take up a piece of meat, pointing it at her best friend. "Say ahh."

"Ahh," Jisung did as told. And just when he was about to take a bite, Jeongin interjected.

"Okay, enough!" He slammed his hands on the table, snapping their attention to him. They all gave him confused stares as he walked over to where Chaewon sat.

"Chae is gonna be sitting with me!" He glared at Jisung, pulling the ravenette by the wrist.

And throughout the entire hang out, Chaewon was always by Jeongin's side, their fingers intertwined together.

Whatever game they played, he'd make sure he got partnered up with her.

Kept her away from Jisung, pressing light kisses on her cheeks each time his Hyungs would get too close.

"Mission accomplished," Felix beamed, high fiving Hyunjin and Changbin, who had the same equal amount of glee on their faces.

"See? I told you it'll work," Chan smirked, making Minho to scoff. He was pretty damn surprised that Jeongin fell for their trick to get him jealous.

"Can you do that to Minho Hyung and me?"

"Get lost!"

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Touch  | Jeongin ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora