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~ Jaxson's pov ~

People gasp for breath as Arabella lets go of me, leading herself out of view and away from my being. I let her go, once again I failed her.

I am about to race to her, begging for one explanation because that is what she deserves but I am stopped when Arabella's mother presents herself in front of me.

She is watching my reaction to her daughter's disappearance, and watching where she descends from. I can tell many questions are scrolling through her mind and she is picking which one she shall question.

"You love her," she states, no longer in question. It pains me, but I nod my head coming face to face with the truth as it consumes me.

I am no longer hiding, I have hid from my country, these people, but I will no longer hide myself from my queen. It only leads to destruction.

"I do." My voice breaks.

"Whatever happened..." She hesitates, but commits to say. "It has hurt her, so please do us all a favor and love her dearly and chase after the one you love. I can tell it is eating the both of you."

"She is my last daughter, and she is precious to me. I wanted nothing but the best for my daughters, that is why I wished for them to marry the best to be gifted the best, I meant no harm," she exclaims, finishing.

"May I have your blessing?" I walk toward her, nearing as our conversation grows more intense. I was asking for her blessing to marry Arabella, I wished for nothing to come between us this time.

"My blessing?" Her eyebrows furrow in question before she comes to realize what I am asking of her. She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand, in shock. "You want to marry-"

I nod, interrupting what she was to say next. "I do."

"Y-Yes, yes you have my blessing." She nods frantically, still in shock.

~ Third person's pov ~

A dark, gloomy balcony is present on the sides of the ballroom and Arabella Houstings opens a door, letting herself feel the cool wind blowing through the season.

There is hardly any light in this area, only a candle burning that is hanging upon the wall of the house. Overlooking the balcony, she can see the village nearby. There are some left over people that did not show for the king that are present working in the village.

She could not judge, she would have done the same if it was not for her mother, she thought.

How could he assume she'd allow him to speak when he had every chance to do it during the days they were not speaking. What was she expecting? Some grand gesture with him riding along a horse and choosing her over his kingdom? No, that would be selfish for her to think of such a way.

She loved him truly. She could not see myself without him, and it was breaking her apart being this far apart from him.

The balcony doors close behind her in a soft tap, footsteps approach her carefully and she freezes, feeling a presence from behind.

Arabella turned, facing the king himself locked away and alone with her on this balcony and she knew no harm would not show up.

"I come in peace." He bares his hand, trying to show that he comes with peace to her, but she knew that him and peace did not mix whatsoever.

"No you do not. You are no longer a sign of peace anymore. Ever since I met you, I've never been at peace with my mind." She shakes her head, hating the fact that her heart is beating against her chest- begging for an escape.

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