New Home

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A/N: Hey, if you want to see pictures of these rooms, the house, and Minty, than you can go to my twitter which is @watisauzername. kk bye

Dan's POV

The oldest, presumably the dad, brought the sign down to his side and they all marched over to me. The father and mother were a few inches taller than me, and the kid, Phil, was about six inches taller than me so I felt pretty intimidated.

"H-Hi." I squeaked, squeezing my suitcase and tilting my head down. "No need to be scared." The mom smiled at me. "Hey, Dan, I'm the one who texted you yesterday." Phil held his hand out, and I shook it. "I'm Juli." the mother held her hand out, and I shook her's too. She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the same color as Phil's. "And I'm Nathan." The dad stuck his hand out. He had ginger hair that was combed back in a strange quiff and large green eyes, the same size and Phil's. "I'm Daniel, but I prefer Dan." I shook his hand shyly. "Lovely to meet you." Juli smiled at me, "Now let's get home. I'm starving." "Me too." Phil agreed with her.

We began walking to the exit, Juli and Nathan were just in front of Phil and I. "Let me take one for you, at least." Phil said, reaching for the bag on my back. "It's okay. I've got it." I smiled kindly. "No, I insist." he said. I quickly pulled the bag over my head and handed it to him. He pulled the handle up and rolled it behind him like I was doing with the other bag. "Thank you." I said, smiling. "Of course." he replied, opening the large glass door for me.

Phil put my bags in the back of their silver truck, and we all climbed in. Nathan drove while Juli was in the passenger seat, and Phil was behind her and I sat beside him. "I haven't driven like this for a while." I laughed as they started off towards their house. "What do you mean?" Juli asked, turning towards me. "I've lived in England before. I was born and raised here until I was four, then my mom insisted we moved to America to try and start fresh." I explained. Phil gave me a knowing and sorry look, working out the whole story by himself. "Oh, so it's like coming back home then, isn't it?" Nathan asked with a small smile. "Well, not exactly. I'm from London, but it's not that different than Lanchester." "Well either way we hope to make you feel at home." Juli smiled.

After a short while of driving through the city, and then up a small mountain, we drove up to a giant house on the hill. I stared at it in awe for a while when the truck suddenly pulled into the drive way and stopped. " this where you live?" I asked completely shocked. "Yep. Didn't I tell you that we live in one of those dream house places you'll see all over tumblr?" Phil laughed, unbuckling his seat. "No!" I exclaimed, following him out of the truck.

The house looked very modern and new, the whole thing was about two stories high. There was a large set of stairs leading up to the house, all white, just like the paint on the house. The whole thing was covered in lights outside, and there were quite a few balconies everywhere. Everything was a square-like shape too.

"Phil, can you please give Dan a tour, we'll meet you inside in a minute." Phil's mum said. "Sure. Will dad get his bags?" Phil asked her. "Yes, we'll get them." She smiled, as if rushing us to leave.

Once all of us were out of the car, Phil ran up the steps, and I followed after him. "Ready?" he asked excitedly when we reached the dark wooden front door. I nodded furiously, and he opened it.

When I looked inside my jaw dropped. The living room was massive and everything was decorated in mostly brown, beige, and green. There was a large TV on one side of the room and on the other side across from it was a couch. But this was no normal couch, because this one dipped into the ground. It was a circle, cut in half only for there to be a small set of stairs in either side of it. In the middle there was also a small circular table/footrest. In the corner of the room beside the TV was a swirly staircase that went up and down. There were also some things of artwork and some mirrors. It was beautiful.

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