The Lesters

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Dan's POV

"Now get out of my house and don't come back for another year, you damn faggot!" My dad grabbed the hoodie of my jacket, and threw me out the front door.

I landed with a thud on the concrete as I heard the door slam behind me. I stood up and brushed myself off, I guess this is it.

I walked over to the end of the street and turned the corner, pulling one bag behind me while I hauled the other one over my shoulder. I never really knew any other path than the one to the grocery store or the liquor market. So obviously I went to the grocery store, seeing as I didn't want to deal with homeless people and smokers everywhere.

As I walked, I tried to spot any taxis that were empty. Eventually, when I was half way there, I looked behind me and just so happened to spot one. I waved at it wildly, and it drove up to me, stopping right next to the pavement I was standing on.

A skinny man with black hair an dark skin jumped out of the car. "Where to?" he asked, stepping out and unlocking the trunk. "Airport, please." I stated, rolling my suitcase beside him. "Aren't you a bit young to be traveling on your own?" He asked. " family's gonna meet me there." I said nervously, hoping he'd buy the lie. There was a small awkward silence before he pulled my bag from me and put it in the trunk effortlessly. "Okay," he shrugged, closed the trunk, and opened the back of the car for me to sit in, "As long as you can pay me." "Will twenty dollars work?" I asked, taking the money out of my pocket. "Well, from here to the airport is quite a while. It's supposed to be twenty five..." He trailed off and I started to shake, "but I'll let you off. Twenty is fine." he smiled. "Thank you so much!" I said happily, and climbed in the car.

We talked for a while, but I wasn't really listening to him nor answering honestly. I was just thinking about what the house might look like, what the Lesters might look like, and that boy. That boy, what was his name...oh yeah; it was Phil. Phil seemed very interesting to say the least, and he's two by thing I'm really looking forward to right now.

Finally, we arrived, and I hurried inside after paying the man. It took nearly an hour for me to get through security and get my luggage on the plane, and the entire time I kept repeating, "Yes, I am a bit young, but my family is meeting with me on the plane." But for some reason they let me on anyways, even though it was a terrible lie. I sat in some chairs, reading my ticket over and over again. "Flight E89 Gate 14. Flight E89 Gate 14."

Finally I heard the slow talking woman on the speaker, "Passengers of Flight E89 please head to Gate 14 to board."

I jumped up, and after having about seventy six heart attacks because I didn't know what I was doing, I got on the plane and found my seat. It was a window set and an old lady was sitting next to me. I doubt she'll talk to me.

When the plane took off, I had held on so tight to my seat belt. "Hey, darling." The old woman held my hand gently, "No need to be afraid. I've been on tons of airplanes in my time, and the worst is always taking off." She said kindly. After a short while, the ride smoothed out and I relaxed.

"Thank you." I said politely, "What's your name?" "Edith, but don't worry about me. Be a kid while you still can. Look out the window, listen to your music loud and proud, or whatever kids dowse days." She said. Okay, so maybe she was a bit weird, but at least she means well. "I will." I said, just to make her happy.

Though, I did follow her advice as I put on my head phones and excitedly looked out the window. It's so beautiful. I thought, looking at the sunset below me. I feel like I can do anything up here. I feel like I'm the king of the if only I could always feel like this.

After everyone settled down and ate their dinner, I stayed awake. I watched the people around me sleeping, just in case I needed to know a face in the future, or have to follow them for some reason. You never know.

This all happened so quickly. Who knew that in the course of less than three days your entire life could change. Well, okay, it hasn't changed yet. I'm still the gross fag I was when I was at home, but these are the stepping stones. This is the beginning of the end, or the beginning of something amazing. And I'm hoping for the second option.

The plane eventually landed, and Edith was right; the take-off made me much more anxious than the landing, though the landing was still terrifying.

I guess I'm in England now.

They let us off of the plane slowly, but as soon as I was down, I ran to the luggage area. It took me around five minutes to find both of my bags, and I looked around. I saw some people I recognized on the plane and followed them, seeing as I had no idea what to do.

We came across a large crowd with people everywhere holding signs up with peoples' names on them. I looked and looked until I saw a white one with the words in black marker, "Daniel Howell."

I squeezed through the crowd, excited yet terrified. I tried not to go too quickly, seeing as I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go with them. But I guess there's no turning back now.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I checked it as I walked, trying to get to them without anyone around me getting hurt. It was from Phil. It read, "Hey, we're at the airport. Where are you?" I texted with one hand, "I'm right in front of you."

Soon after I pressed send, I saw the sign getting closer to me. People began to move out of the way as they approached. I think they spotted me, but I still couldn't see them.

Less and less people were in our way, leaving or walking around me. And then, there were no more people between us.

I'm about to go on the biggest adventure of my life.

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