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─── GUTS
↳❝ chapter one. fuck it, it's fine. ❞

ISABEL SAT IN silence in he room just staring out the window, just trying to get her mind off of what had just happened

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ISABEL SAT IN silence in he room just staring out the window, just trying to get her mind off of what had just happened. As she was about to leave the room she opened the door just to reveal Ethan on the other side.

"Fucking hell." She whispered out as the boy had given her a fright.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just came here to see how you were after what happened." He explained and she moved out  the doorway to let him in.

"There was really no need." Isabel chimed in casting the boy to scoff. "I wanted to check on you." He said.

"Thank you...For not letting me beat up Frankie today-"

"And those drunk girls." He added causing the brunette to chuckle.

"Yeah and those drunk girls. I don't like to think of myself in this way but, I get really angry when Sam and I get accused for what happened in Woodsboro." She explained looking down at her hands in her lap.

"Yeah, no I get it. There's nothing wrong with protecting your family and the people that you love." He said, staring into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I'd do anything to make sure that the people that I love are happy." He finished as they both began to lean into eachother, their faces inches apart. And just like that, the door opened.

"I forgot my phone."

Ethan and Isa pulled away from eachother as they sat awkwardly. "Oh shit. Did I cock-block you?" Quinn said in realisation at the door.

"What did you just say?" Isa asked, now looking up at the girl.

"I cock-blocked you."

"No." Ethan awkwardly answered.

"I cock-blocked you didn't I?" Quinn continued.

"Immediate no." Ethan added.

"Please stop saying the word 'cock'." Isabel said letting out an embarrassed chuckle.

"Ok, I'm gonna go. Isa, please get some rest. Bye." Ethan said before walking out of the room. Isabel focused her vision on a now sorry looking Quinn who was still standing at the door.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She whispered before getting her phone and leaving the room. Isabel feel onto the bed with a huge smile on her face.

𝐆𝐔𝐓𝐒, ethan landryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu