"I'm sorry. What was that?" She asked, curiously. "Did someone just call you pup?" Blaze was just as confused by it as well. Did Kai just call him pup? Blaze stared down at Kai's sleeping figure, a million thoughts crossing his mind. He almost forgot Arabella was still on the phone, until she spoke again, much louder this time. "Wait a minute. Who the fuck just called you pup? Blaze!"


"Blaze! Who the fuck is in the bed with you?! You don't sleep around with strangers, so it would have to be your mate. But you're on a holiday with Ryder and Elias and Elias' family. How the heck did you find your mate in the middle of nowhere? Unless..." Arabella's voice travelled off, and Blaze was praying she wouldn't put the pieces together.

"Arabella, please," Blaze begged, hoping she'd hear the pleading in his voice to forget about this.

There was no noise coming out of the phone. And Blaze could feel his heartbeat in his chest pumping. "It's one of them, yes?" Arabella asked gently.

He stayed silent for a second, and so did Arabella, who was patiently waiting for an answer. Finally, Blaze sighed before humming in response, hoping it would be enough of an answer.

"Okay." Arabella sighed as well. "You'll tell me when you're ready," she confirmed to herself.

"I will," Blaze promised in a whisper.

"Can you at least tell me if you're happy, Blaze?" She asked in all seriousness, and Blaze's heart felt warm with the amount of care she had for him.

Blaze smiled as he looked down at Kai.

Goddess, he's gorgeous.

From the first time his eyes had landed on Kai, he had struggled to look away. Everything about Kai had pulled him in, and Blaze had no interest in fighting it. The idea of ever being this close to him was only a wishful dream of Blaze's. But here Kai was; mouth slightly parted as soft breaths passed through his lips. Half of his freckled face was visible to Blaze, his eyes shut gently showing off his naturally long black lashes. His right leg bent at the knee, lying between Blaze's, and his right hand resting on his waist.

"I'm so happy, Arabella."

She seemed pleased with his response since she stayed true to her promise and let him keep his secrets. "Have you spoken to Ryder yet?" Blaze asked, changing the topic as quickly as possible.

He could hear Arabella sigh on the other side of the line. "I was going to call him before you but was too scared to interrupt anything... you know. But I guess I now need to worry about that with you," she added the last part in a teasing tone.

"Shut up," Blaze groaned softly and Arabella laughed.

The two of them stayed on the phone for a while longer, Blaze talking much quieter now, trying to not disturb Kai's sleep. After he ended the phone call, he stayed still, watching Kai sleep in the most non-creepy way he could possibly be. While doing so, he focused his hearing on outside the bedroom, wondering if anyone else was awake yet. After a few minutes, he gathered no one else was awake yet, after their long night last night, making Blaze feel relief. Mainly for Kai, knowing once he woke up he'll probably freak out about the time and if anyone noticed where he was. But also partly for himself, because although he wished his friends and everyone else knew he and Kai were mates, he still felt nervous about their reactions.

Would they be shocked? Would they think that he and Kai were a good pair? Or maybe they would question their mating.

Kai was beginning to wake up, his body stretching and mouth mumbling incoherent words softly. Blaze continued to gently brush his fingers through his hair, hoping it would help calm him once he became conscious. Kai moaned, snuggling his head into Blaze's upper chest, and Blaze's heart melted at the action.

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