First Asylum Scandal

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A/N: I've got 200 reads on this story so far!!! Thank you so much to whoever is voting/reading/commenting because when I get those notifications, or when I log on to see a whole bunch of new reads, I get really happy. I know its bad to get happy over stuff like that, but I do. So thank you so much!!! :-) Also, sorry for updating so late, and its also really short. I'm a shitty updater, I know!!! I'm sorry!!!!


It's been 3 days since I saw Jenna and that boy kissing, and I've been successfully avoiding her ever since.

I haven't seen her anywhere though, so maybe she's avoiding me.

Tyler and I have become really close, and we're together almost all the time. He's really sweet, understanding and funny. He seems really normal, and so I wonder what he did to get in here. I would never ask him, though. That's his private stuff, and I'd be disrespectful.

I walked into group therapy with Tyler, and sat down. I knew the routine now, so it was easier. We sat down on two of the many chairs that were placed in a circle. Within a few minutes, our doctor (Who told us to call him Ray) had came into the room and sat in a chair. All seats except one were filled. I guessed that one was Jenna's.

I glanced at Vic who was sitting almost directly across from me. He smiled weakly and waved. I waved back.

"Okay, Jordan. Why don't you start?" Ray asked a boy who was sitting beside him. My eyes widened as I realized who he was. My mind went back to the night I saw Jenna kissing that boy... Jordan.

Each day Ray would make us go around the circle, telling our names, age and how we're feeling on a scale of one-to-ten, ten being the worst.

"Okay, Hello everyone. I'm Jordan, I'm twenty, and I'm feeling five today." He said. He had a deep voice. He was really attractive.

"And what was the best and worst part of your day so far?" The doctor asked. Jordan sighed.
"I guess the worst part was when this girl- who I really liked, broke my heart." He shrugged. "But that was also the best part, because I called her a two-faced freak, and then she ran away crying." He finished with a smile.


I felt a wave of sympathy towards both Jordan and Jenna. The pity towards Jenna wouldn't go away no matter how many times I tried to push it away. I was worried about Jenna, and wondered if the reason she wasn't in group therapy because of Jordan.

I slowly stood up and walked over to Ray. "I have to use the bathroom." I said quietly to him.

"Alright, come back as soon as you're done." He said. I nodded, and walked out of the room.

As soon as I was out, I started speed-walking down the halls to where I remembered Jenna was in when she was kissing Jordan.

"Don't you have group?" I heard an angelic voice say from behind me. I stopped in my tracks, instantly knowing who the voice belonged to.

"Actually, Jenna, I was looking for you." I said quietly, turning around and facing her. She smiled, her face brightening and she looked absolutely adorable.

"Why?" She asked.

"I heard about what happened with Jordan today." I said. She sighed.

"Okay, I know he thinks we were together, but I've only spoke to him twice before this morning! He comes up and tries to kiss me, so I push away, obviously that's what I'm going to do! I mean, what was I supposed to do? Like I said I only spoke to him twice! And then he freaks out and starts crying when I tell him I'm not interested, like, what? Then he-" She was rambling, and I was so confused.

"No." I interrupted her. She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me. "You were kissing him three days ago. I saw you." I said. She shook her head.

"No, you're wrong." She said. I rolled my eyes, just as hers started to glisten. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I said.

"It's okay, I-" She stopped, her face going white. "I'll be right back." She mumbled, quickly walking away. I frowned, and then turned and walked back to group therapy.


"-And do the flowers speak back to you?" Ray asked the hippie girl who was sure she could speak to nature.

"Yes, of course!" She grinned. Ray nodded and wrote something down on his clipboard.

"Jordan! Sweet Jordan!" A shrill voice rang through the room. All talking ceased, and everyone turned to see the source of the sound.

It was Jenna, standing in the door frame. She was grinning and her eyes were fixed on Jordan. I was really confused, because earlier she was really upset by him, and swore she barely knew him. Now she was calling him sweet?

"Jenna?" He asked, he sounded as confused as I was.

"Jenna, come sit down. You can't disrupt the group like this." Ray said. Jenna rolled her eyes, and practically skipped to the circle, and sat herself on Jordan's lap.

"This morning you said-" He started, but was cut off by Jenna.

"I didn't say anything." Jenna said, although it seemed like she was trying to convince him.

"But-" He started again, but once again was cut off. This time it wasn't a voice that interrupted him.

Jenna pulled a plastic fork out of her back pocket, and quickly stabbed it into his eye socket.

Jordan screamed as Jenna took the fork out, and stabbed it again. Her face contorted into one of sadness, and she begun to sob.

Ray took out a small remote and pressed a red button, before running over to the violent scene and attempting to pull them apart.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Vic shove a boy onto the ground. The boy looked mad, but Vic was furious. Vic glared and I saw him say something to the boy which made him roll his eyes, but I didn't hear what. I also didn't care that much, I was more concerned with Jenna.

Moments later, most patients had evacuated the room. I stayed.
"Tay, come on!" I vaguely heard Vic say, as he tugged on my hand. I was frozen in place, watching Jenna repeatedly stab Jordan. I barely felt Vic grab my arm and pull me away. It was like I was dreaming. These things didn't happen in real life. It was so surreal.

Help me!" Jenna screamed, her arm seemed to have a mind of its own. Jenna was sobbing uncontrollably and violently. Jordan had gone unconscious, blood flowing freely from the eye socket.

The last thing I saw before Vic dragged me out of the room was Jenna, and her heartbroken face, which was a mixture of anger and sadness as she stabbed Jordan's eye countless times, all while begging herself to stop.

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