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Chapter Four:

The genin leave Kakashi on the ground and move back to sitting in front of the three large wolves. "You have excellent team work," the white wolf praises, amused. "Now, as for your answers…" 

"Essentially, a pack is a group of wolves that live and hunt together," the black wolf explains. "Instinctively, a pack is formed through bonds that make you family." 

Immediately, all three pups are wide eyed and smelling of fear. The black wolf continues, cataloguing the scents for later. "My siblings and I are a prime example. We may not be related by blood, but we've chosen to be Pack. We've chosen to be family." 

"Now, since you've already signed the ninken scroll, I'm afraid there's no way out of this situation. To put it simply, you're stuck with each other." 

There's a moment of silence and then Naruto speaks. "Great," he says, voice dripping with venomous sarcasm, "I'm stuck with a wannabe emo and his used-to-be fangirl." 

"You're not stuck with me," Sasuke makes a disgusted face, "I'm stuck with you, dead last." 

The boys glare at eachother, hands forming into fists and shoulders squaring. Before a fight can break out, the brown wolf gently uses his sharp teeth to lift Sasuke into the air by the back of his high collared shirt. "No fighting," the wolf growls and Sasuke, in his shock, goes limp.

Sighing, Sakura rubs the pads of her index and middle finger against her forehead, feeling an oncoming headache. "I'm going home," the girl says, standing to her feet. "I'll deal with this," she waves a hand at the wolves, "tomorrow." And then she's leaving, stepping over Kakashi's body (still on the floor, dramatically clutching his head. Sakura-chan is strong.

The white wolf sighs. "I take back my words about their teamwork," she mutters and then follows after the pink haired girl. 

"Whatever,'' Naruto huffs. He eyes the black wolf with narrowed blue eyes full of suspicion, lips twisting into a deep scowl. "Don't follow me," he grumbles, leaving. 

The black wolf snorts. Ignoring the boy's words, he follows after him. 

"And which way do you live, hm?" The brown wolf asks, settling Sasuke back down onto his feet. He nudges his snout into the boys back when he doesn't answer. 

"This way," Sasuke says, obviously hesitant in his steps. The brown wolf walks by his side, his tail occasionally brushing along Sasuke's shoulders. 

"Maa," Kakashi places a hand over his heart, still laying on the floor, all alone now that his pups have left him, "they grow up so fast."

Eventually Kakashi leaves to go back to his apartment. He's greeted by his pack, a hoard of cold noses pressing into his hands and his legs to sniff at him. 

"Boss!" Bisuke, the youngest of the pack, barks, swishing his tail excitedly. 

Kakashi smiles, kneeling down to pet him and the others. Uhei presses his paws along the back of Kakashi's shoulders and sniffs at his hair. "You smell like other summons," he says, sounding upset. 

"Oh, my pups completed their summonings today," Kakashi explains, reaching around to run his pale fingers through Uhei's short, auburn fur. "There's no need to worry, I'd never replace any of you," he reassures. 

Pakkun snorts. "As if we'd let you try," he grumbles. Kakashi reaches out to pet him with his other hand and Pakkun leans into the touch with a pleased sound, small tail thumping loudly against the wooden floors. 

"So," Urushi asks, flashing his sharp teeth, "which unlucky dogs did they summon?" 

Kakashi leads his pack towards the bedroom. "They summoned the Wolf Siblings," he says, ever so casually. As if the feat of summoning wolves, of all things, is a common occurrence. "Aren't my pups the best?" 

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