Unexpected Encounter: A Fateful Meeting in the Aisles

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When Passion Marries Fashion
By Dexter Amoroso

And so I, Basil, must not just advocate shopping less, but also encourage the practice of passing down second-hand clothing from elder siblings to their younger family members. This isn't meant to contradict my fiancée Rosemary, a renowned fashion stylist; it's our way of showing love for both Rosemary and the only home we share, Earth. Farewell to her namesake brand of 13 years, but wait... let's launch an international contest celebrating environmentally-friendly fashion styles.
I first met Rosemary while shopping at her favorite market in Bonifacio Global City, about three years ago.
She was pushing her cart down the aisle and got stuck behind the slowest shopper she had ever seen.
I was taking my sweet time, pushing my cart at a snail's pace, much to her growing impatience. I wore my Patagonia Baggies Brimmer hat with pride.
Furious, she couldn't pass the slowpoke because the narrow aisles of one of the shops at Bonifacio High Street made it nearly impossible.Suddenly, as I turned my head, she caught a glimpse of my profile, and she recognized me as Basil.
"Oh my God - it's Basil, the former commercial model turned social entrepreneur who launched an international contest for environment-friendly and resilient urban housing," she whispered to herself.
She approached me, "Excuse me, sir, are you Basil Diaz?"
I humbly confessed that I was.
"Aren't you a fashion stylist?" I asked.
She nodded and introduced herself along with her 13-year-old namesake brand."Yeah," I said with a smile, wagging my finger playfully at her. "I've admired your work for a long time."
Rosemary couldn't believe her luck - a fan of her brand recognized her.
Fast forward to 2022, and Rosemary and I began dating. Despite our nearly 10-year age difference, I considered her the most beautiful and sexiest woman I had ever seen. I couldn't compare her to anyone; she was more captivating to me than any celebrity.
While the physical aspect of our relationship was undeniably intense, love for a person goes far beyond that. Every moment we held hands felt as magical as any passionate embrace. Rosemary possessed wisdom and insight beyond any person I'd met.
We enjoyed our time together - dining out, watching movies, playing badminton. I proudly introduced her to my classmates and friends at our school's alumni homecoming. I'd never felt more proud, showing off my amazing girlfriend.
We even hiked Mount Isarog together on one of my birthdays. She was my sun, moon, and stars, all rolled into one.
Rosemary wanted me to meet her parents, and we came incredibly close to getting married. So close. She was the great love of my life.
But there was a caveat, a flaw that could've ended it all.
"Rosemary will start World War III if you speak negatively about womanhood," my friends would often joke.
She was a firm believer in celebrating womanhood. "My personal style reflects pure sophistication and elegance," she'd say. "With every design I create, I aim to enhance the female form."
But I didn't intend to insult women. Today, I was coming out of the closet - I was gay. I joked about it to ease the tension. "Women repulse me," I said, laughing. It was a way to tone down my harsh comment and move past the issue.
However, I genuinely wanted people in the fashion industry to be aware that even budget-conscious consumers could afford environmentally friendly clothing. Fast fashion comes with consequences, and the impact on the environment should be addressed.
I agreed with Rosemary; women were the trendsetters in the fashion industry, and we could prevent environmental disaster together. The conversation about stylish women being more prominent than stylish men was constructive. It fostered intellectual exchange.
We both agreed on one thing: the environment's deterioration was a global problem. We decided to create a fashion business that wouldn't harm the planet.
"We should reinvent the industry," I proposed, "I'll launch an international contest promoting environment-friendly fashion styles. We can start with award-winning designs while you conduct R&D for future eco-friendly products."
"Thank you, Basil," Rosemary replied. "Being 'chic' is easy if you master a few styling basics."We also aimed to educate people on the three 'R's - reduce, reuse, and recycle. These practices could pave the way for a cleaner, healthier future. We believed that the youth must embrace the responsibility of advocating for sustainable living.
The next few days were dedicated to planning our wedding. I excitedly told Jane, Rosemary's best friend, "Rosemary will be my wife in December 2021, or else, it's the end of the world for me."
I thought everything would naturally fall into place between us, unlike others who struggled with transitioning from fast fashion to eco-friendly choices.

"Oh no," I sighed as I assumed she was reconsidering our wedding plans. I was disappointed and said, "I was wrong. The fashion industry is still at risk."

"I'm hesitant to marry you because I'm not sure if having a family will let me pursue my dream of leading the fashion industry," Rosemary explained, forcing a smile.

She had treated me unfairly for years. I'd always been there for her, while she couldn't claim the same for me. We both realized that sometimes love wasn't enough to keep people in a relationship when things didn't work out as hoped. Rosemary was starting to make a name for herself in the business world.

It was time for me to move on from her. Letting go was agonizing, but I buried myself in work to forget her. When I was in the chilly UK, she sometimes slipped from my thoughts, but not completely. Time was supposed to heal all wounds. I was recognized for my achievements, named one of the "Hot List: 135 People to Watch," one of the "Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World," and received the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader award.

I thought there was no chance for Rosemary and me because she was into fast fashion while I was an environmental advocate. That was until yesterday when she called me.

At the event, I was amazed by the multitude of people. I was the sole environmental advocate and felt lost in the sea of nameless faces in the fashion industry. Just as I contemplated leaving, someone grabbed my hand - it was Rosemary.

She whispered, "Follow me!"

Before I could utter a single word, I was led into a room.

In a sweet voice, she asked, "Could you please wear your eco-friendly clothes?"

Unbeknownst to me, Rosemary had uploaded a photo of me in my eco-friendly attire to her website and Instagram account. The likes poured in like a fast-flowing river.

As I left the room, the reactions of people I encountered were enthusiastic:

"Wow! You're so cool!"

"Oh my gosh! He is so handsome!"

"I like his shirt."

I looked down at my shirt - it was ordinary with white, green, and brown. I shrugged off the comments.

Just then, Rosemary leaned forward, her eyes sparkling like diamonds. I was rendered speechless, and the moment felt surreal. It was the moment I had been waiting for. I leaned in as well, and our lips met. Instantly, Rosemary pushed me away in shock.

"What on earth are you doing? Why did you kiss me?" she exclaimed.

In a state of confusion, I stammered, "I... I... I... Why did you put your head forward? I thought you wanted to kiss me!"

Rosemary pointed at the laptop monitor behind me. My cheeks turned crimson as I realized what had happened.

"Oh my goodness," a voice echoed in the room.

On her website, Rosemary confessed that someone had inspired her - the handsome Basil Diaz, a staunch environmentalist deeply concerned about environmental justice and global inequities.

Rosemary built me up for the crowd as if I were Elon Musk, Lionel Messi, and Einstein all rolled into one. The pieces were falling into place.

After the event, Rosemary and I discussed our abandoned wedding plans. Everything we'd been through had led us to this moment, and I was certain that it was going to be us for the rest of our lives.

"I've waited for this moment my entire life," I said.

We locked eyes, and for the second time, I kissed her, and she kissed me back.In that moment, my life flashed before me. I held her in my arms, kissed her some more, and the day melted in our embrace.

Jane was overjoyed. Her best friend Rosemary was getting married, and she had asked Jane to be her bridesmaid. They picked out an eco-friendly dress for Jane to wear.

On the morning of the wedding, Jane woke up early to get ready. She thought about the day ahead and couldn't help but smile. "You look happy," Rosemary said. "Anyone would think it was you who was getting married." They both laughed.

No matter how long the procession is, it still leads to the church.

Many women harbor dreams of grand weddings, and in equal measure, men aspire to make these dreams a reality. There's nothing inherently wrong with this desire; however, amidst the pomp and splendor, it's essential for a couple to remain steadfast in their commitment. This commitment includes not only loving each other but also fostering a love for the divine, a love for the environment, and a dedication to nurturing a family that's grounded in these principles. It's about helping one another reach a sense of spiritual fulfillment and oneness that goes beyond the extravagance of the day.

"Our wedding has been stripped of the excessive indulgences that often overshadow the true purpose of such occasions," Rosemary proudly proclaimed. The bridal gown, bridesmaids' dresses, and the groom's attire were carefully chosen for their environmental friendliness. These choices showcased a perfect blend of simplicity and elegance that highlighted the couple's core values.

The selection of a quaint chapel for the ceremony further reinforced this sentiment, creating an intimate setting that welcomed only close friends and family.

In keeping with the couple's commitment to a meaningful celebration, there was no elaborate program, no grand cake-cutting ceremony, no release of pigeons, and no frivolous, embarrassing games.

The absence of these common wedding extravagances was a testament to Rosemary and me investing more in our marriage and our community than in a grand spectacle. The sacrament of our love took precedence over all else. Our spiritual mentors and our families had prepared us well, instilling in us the importance of the journey that followed this beautiful day.

The essence of our union was not lost in the superficialities; instead, it was underscored by the genuine bond we shared, grounded in shared values and a vision of a life lived in harmony with each other and the environment.

The wedding ceremony itself unfolded smoothly, and every guest reveled in the celebration. Rosemary and I, now bound as husband and wife, found ourselves deeply in love and in complete harmony with the spiritual significance of the day.

Jane, a close friend, observed Rosemary's mother wiping a tear from her cheek, and she offered comforting words, saying, "Don't be sad, Tita." Her smile spoke volumes, reflecting the sheer joy of witnessing Maryrose's profound happiness on this remarkable day.

One month after the wedding, my wife and I launched Rosemary's "Ukay-Ukay," a thrift shop offering a wide range of preloved and new items. From second-hand clothing and accessories to books, toys, and homeware, customers had the opportunity to support the environment by shopping with us.

A few years later, the Ukay-Ukay evolved into Rosemary's Mother Earth Foundation. They began accepting donations to fund ecological research. With every purchase in the shop, customers could contribute to scientific breakthroughs, turning science fiction into reality, all while enjoying affordable items.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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