youve done it

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Lucy's POV:
I fall to my knees. we've done it. we've actually just done it. we've won a world cup. for the first time ever. i burst into tears, head in my hands. I feel a gentle pair of arms wrap around me and pull me close, and from the smell, it's Keira's perfume. I sob uncontrollably. This is all i've ever wanted. I feel a hand pulling on my wrist, with the other, pulling my chin up slightly, so I looked into her eyes. "you've done it baby, you're a world champion" she whispers, all i want to do is pull her into a kiss, show her how much i love her in this moment. she could be celebrating with everyone else, but she's here with me, helping me up off the floor.

We run at the girls who are all crying too, hugging them, celebrating in every way possible. The crowd is electric as sweet Caroline begins to ring out in the stadium.

The interviews and media reports are going crazy, and it hit me again, we are world champions and a surge of adrenaline pumps through me.

I hold Keira's hand for the first time in public and we walk around the pitch, waving the the fans who have lingered in the stands waiting for pictures or signatures, and eventually stumble across our family and friends section, where they are all stood waiting for us. Their faces are full of pride and excitement, i'm so glad i can finally give this feeling back to my family after everything they did for me. At the back of the bunch I see a tiny head peak out, LEAH. "CAPTINIOOOOOO" i yell, she smiles and waves back at me.

The time seems to fly pretty quickly, and we are soon in a coach, travelling back through australia to our hotel where a big party is planned. it's going to be a very late night. The coach is full of singing, mainly from leah, jill, millie and rach at the back of the bus.

I keep a hand on keira's thigh the whole time, squeezing at times to get my excitement out.

i've barely let Keira leave my side the whole night. there is no team i'd rather have celebrated this success with, and no one more than Keira. She's been here through it all, man city, lyon, city again and now barca, she's never left, we won the euros together, have been to olympics and many other tournaments but this is the cherry on top, this is the one i wanted the most.

The adrenaline is pumping through us all as the coach pulls into the hotel. the music is blasting, and everyone's dancing and singing. this feeling is like nothing i've ever felt before.

Keira's grip on my hand grows tighter as we get off the bus and enter the foyer of the hotel, there's flashing red and blue lights, freed from desire is playing and i take a look around at all of my team mates. the future of this team is so bright. i know they'll do just fine.

We walk past the media and photographers quickly, their flashing lights leaving little stars in my eyes.

i've been thinking about retirement for a while now, with my knee playing up, and with how me and Keira want to live our lives, now is the best time to retire from football, maybe go into coaching or punditry, but i just can't face being away from this beautiful group of people. jill told me how hard it was on her when she left as she wasn't with everyone all the time, and i don't think i can leave Keira for too long. We've spoken before about how hard leaving would be on me, and both agreed it would be a few years yet, but i think i want to leave on a high.

Keira's POV:
The celebrations are going well, everyone's having a good time. The classic english celebration songs, and a touch of mamma mia blast through the speakers and everyone is up dancing. this is the best feeling, winning with a team who deserve it more than anything, a team with talent, experience and passion.

I wrap an arm around lucy's waist and walk her into the middle of the dance floor as a slower song begins to play, resting a head onto her chest. i feel kissing peppering my head and cheeks as we sway to the music. it's about 3AM at this point and i'm starting to get tired, so my legs start to give up on me as we dance, but there is no one else i'd have rather won with. she is my trophy, she's the best thing to have come out of football.

"i love you luce, i'm so proud of you" i whisper, holding her neck and pulling her closer towards me as she kisses me softly.

"you've done it"

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