ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜: ℙ𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕙

En başından başla

He didn't scare me, but he sure as hell was freaking me out.

He had his jaw clenched; eyes trained on the ugly wound I'm sporting.
I internally rolled my eyes.

"I don't have a family, man. I don't know these guys." I gestured my hands towards them, almost angrily.

I don't have a family. The one I had dropped me off at the orphanage and abandoned me, so why the hell would they suddenly come back?

The man's smile faltered for a second and looked down at his hands before speaking.

"Non si ricorda di noi, fratello. "
(She doesn't remember us, brother.)

Now, I understand Italian perfectly.
We had it as a mandatory subject all through elementary school right up to middlel school.
I even kept it when I enrolled to junior high, but that was until we had to run.

"perché dovrebbe?"
(Why would she?)
the other man chuckled humorlessly. "l'hanno presa prima che potesse formulare una frase complete."
(They took her before she could form a full sentence.)

I didn't give any reaction to their words, but from the inside? It felt like a storm.

Took me? Who took me? And why are they reacting like that to me not knowing who they are? Could they actually be-

"Olive." The younger man spoke.
Him saying my name made me freeze. His voice was soft, so different from the harsh tone he used just moments ago.

My eyes snapped to his.
He blinked a few times, trying to figure out what to say.

"My name is Amadeo, and this one is Alessandro. We're your brothers."

5 hours ago

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

5 hours ago

I think it's an addiction at this point.
Something my younger brothers took from our family genes as well.


"Please, i'm s-sorry" the man below me stuttered. "I told you everything I know--"


You can't be a Giordano without this addiction.

Right now, I have the power.
Feeling the blood on my knuckles, a smile found its way to my face.

"Oh, I know you have nothing else to tell me."


"But you stole from me. Did you think I'll send you away with a bouquet of roses?"


A tooth flew out of his mouth.
Yanking him up by the collar of his blooded shirt, I forced him to look me straight in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't--" he began to squirm.
I could feel him shake like a fucking leaf.

Right before I could land another punch, the door behind me had opened.
"Don, we have a situation."

Glancing back, I saw Roman.
His blond hair was pulled back, and he wore the exact same outfit he wears whenever he's in the warehouse. A black shirt, black pants, and black boots.

Roman is the head of security in our mafia, and among all of his duties, my best friend.

"it's your lucky day." I sneered towards the man in my hold.

He released a shaky breath, and I felt him relaxing in my grip as relief took over his body.

"Thank you, sir, I--"

"You get to die quickly."

He didn't have the time to understand what's going on.
I took my gun from my waistband, and shot him in the temple.

His body collapsed to the floor with a thud.

Without a second glance, I made my way out of the room.
Roman was telling a guard to clean the mess up before he motioned for me to follow him through my warehouse.

"What is the situation, Roman?" i demanded, anger slowly rising at the options of things that went wrong.

Looking at me for a moment with a soft expression on his face, he said, "It's nothing about buissnes, it's more... Personal."

I shook my head in disappointment. Goddammit.
"Which one of my brothers got arrested this time?"

"Look, Alessandro." He abruptly stopped waking, his hand on my shoulder.

That made me raise my eyebrow.
If anyone else in this place dared to touch me, they'd be already deep underground.

Because we're friends, I'll give him five seconds.

But he didn't seem fazed.
His eyes searched mine for a few moments, and just when I was about to kick him--

"It's about Olive."

Chapter 4!

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