Chapter 3

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Persephone's POV-

I waking up, gasping for air, trying to recover from another weird dream.

I look at my alarm clock and huff.

"12:00 a.m, great." I say aloud, to myself.

I throw my covers to the side and swing my legs to the side of my bed, placing them on the floor and standing up. I stretch my back and listen to my bones pop.

I slowly make my way into the kitchen and grab a cup from the cabinet and fill it up with water.

"Just another midnight with Persephone," I say to myself, laughing.

Every night, I have this dream..same place, same setting, same everything. Then I wake up at 12..

I'd like some normal rest, but noo, my minds a dick and ruins my sleep.

I hear the door open and hide under the table.

"Seph, what are you doing under the table?" Mike asks.

Mike is my older brother, he's gonna be a Senior tomorrow, and why the hell was he outside?

"Uhm, I think Brennen stuck gum under here during dinner, you know how I am about cleaning..." I lie.

"Yeah, you cleaning? No, your room is a mess. Brennen gets gum from mom, mom doesn't have any gum. I checked her purse before I went for my run. Now, what in the hell are you doing under the table?"

I slipped from under the table and stood up, dusting my P.J's off.

"Uh, you scared me, so I hid." 

"I scared you? You know I like to run night." Mike said, looking at me as if I was an idiot.

"Well, you scared me, I didn't know you run this late." 

"Whatever weirdo. Next time I'll try to spook ya, since you're so scared."

"Don't you dare..Plus, who are you calling a weirdo, you have fur on your face." I point out.

His face hardens and his starts to run his hands all over his face, trying to remove the fur.

"So?" Mike says, trying to defend himself.

"Why do you have fur on your face Mike..?"

"Uhm, I pet a cat and my hands were sweaty so I guess some fur came off on my hands..then I uh..rubbed my face before I came in the house so uh, that's how it got on my face." 

"You stop to pet cats Mike, really?" 

"Yeah, get off my back will ya, I'm the oldest awake." 

"Actually," My Mom says coming into the kitchen, scaring me again "I am."

"H-hey mom.." I said..

"Yeah, hello. No time for that. Why are you both up. Have you even went to sleep yet, Seph? I bet you haven't. It's a school night! It's a first day of school, school night! You said you'd head to bed early. See, this is what I mean by you never sleep on time. And you're always so pissy in the morning. Sleep would help that you know. Seph, it's like 12:30, take your ass to sleep." 

I began to walk up the stair but stopped about halfway up so I could hear her yell at Mike.

"Sleep dear, running takes a lot out of people. Take a shower, you have a bit of your fur sticking to your face again. Did Seph see?" Mom said.

"Yeah, but I said it was a cat."

I heard a smack and an 'ow'.

"Yeah, cats, great excuse."

"Sorry! It was the best I could come up with and that hurt, stop smacking me on the back of my head.." 

I heard another smack and an 'ow'.

"Lower your voice, and I'll hit you upside the head when I want. Now, shower, then bed."


Why are they hiding stuff from me...?

Fur sticking to his face again?

Why does it matter if I see...

I climb into bed and think about everything they spoke about, why they would be worried about me seeing fur....I soon fell asleep.


And that was CH.3.


I might do Tyler's chapter tonight as well, I don't know yet..

Vote/Comment/Fan that'd be great(:


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