The Start

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Cameron's Pov

I sat at the desk first period looking at her ever so often. I didn't want to seem like a creep but then again it looks like she wouldn't notice with how zoned out she is. I felt guilty, that fucked up douchebag screwed her over like she was some kind of trash. I fucking hated him once I found out how he broke up with her. Leaving her in the woods like that to defend herself at least walk her home dude or maybe not go into the woods. He was just a douche in general thinking he was better then everyone here. All of the Cullen's thought they were better then us because of their looks and money. But that isn't everything that makes a person. She was the sweetest girl, her smile was like a sunshine that never stopped. Her giggles were the sounds of angels along with her voice. Her eyes looked like the warmest honey you have ever seen. 

Ok Ok yeah I seem obsessed but have you never fell in love with someone? However I could never be with her because of Edward he didn't even get to know her before dating her but I learned so much about her from those lower classman....What were there names? Oh yeah Jessica and Mike. Honestly I didn't like either they were both full of themselves. And mike was to obsessed over Bella that it was uncomfortable to watch him try and flirt with her every chance he got. Carter brought me out of my trance shaking his head as he talked.

"Dude you didn't hear anything the teacher said did you?"

"No, sorry."

He chuckled at me shaking his head more.

"Staring at Bella again huh?"

I blushed slightly chuckling nervously.

"Didn't mean to this time."

"It's chill, the teacher assigned another group project, plus I think it's adorable how you are when you see her. Liking someone isn't a bad thing Cameron."

I sigh at him.

"I know but when you can't be with them it's a little hard."

He tilted his head.

"Dude I like you, your a good friend and a even better captain for the football team. So I mean this in the nicest way possible, your fucking stupid."

I looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about."

"She's over there alone, most likely upset about how things ended with her and that Edward dude. And rumors get around apparently not only did Edward leave her but her best friend Jay or some shit left her to. Again he probably thought he was better so left just like Cullen."

My eyes widen. That was news to me, what was wrong with people. Leaving a beautiful angel like that all broken and the worst part is they don't give two shits. They didn't deserve her. Before I could think any more an Idea popped into my head. I whispered to Carter.

"Grab the gang and follow my lead."

He looks at me confused until I get up making my way to Bellas table sitting down next to her smiling softly. 

"Hi your Bella right?"

She looks up at me with those honey eyes.


I smiled more.

"So the group project she assigned....It looks like you need a group."

She tilts her head in slight confusion. People started staring at us as my friends start joining us. 

"Figured you would like to be in our group. Don't worry were all nice."

The people probably thought this was strange. Jocks and cheerleaders having Bella in their group but I really didn't care. She was beautiful but she always looked like she looked down on herself which I would fix.

" this s..some kind of j...joke."

I chuckle softly.

"No I promise, just wanted to be kind and plus we heard what happened with your friend and Edward and thought you could use some better friends that won't leave you like that."

She smiles softly nodding her head at me.

"I would like that."

"Great, I'm cameron as you know I am captain of the football team. Then there's my friends and teamates Carter and Kas. The only ones on the team I can stand being friends with. Then The cheerleader captain Maya her brother Logan who's also on the cheer squad. Again the only ones I can stand to be friends with."

They all smile waving and saying hello softly to her. All of them looked like they seem to like her, which is good. Maya speaks up.

"Oh my god you would make an amazing flyer with how small you are girl and your hair is so beautiful!!!."

I chuckle whispering to Bella.

"She's right you know about your hair and just you in general the flying thing not to sure I don't know a whole lot about cheer. Maya's usually this cheerful so you might wanna get use to it."

Bella giggles nudging my shoulder playfully. We started talking about the project as the ladies start talking about how to design that whole thing. Us boys started talking about which websites we should look for evidence and all that. History was one class that was boring and my least favorite class along with fucking math. Me and the guys started looking at the girls and smiling at them. Carter and Logan start talking to me.

"See told you man you two are cute. Who knows maybe one day soon you two would be a couple that would make us even right."

I shake my head chuckling at him. I knew he might be right since he loves plotting but I can only hope for now.......

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