The Characters

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P.O.V:Third Person

The dark-haired boy was only 10 when it happened. His parents both died of drug overdoses. He watched as his parents were carted away on strollers, and he saw some men point to him before turning away. The boy knew where he was going, he was going to the terrible orphanage in town. He often heard his parents arguing about sending him there, his mother always trying to be rid of him.

Had it not been for his Dad's persistence that the orphanage was awful and dangerous, the little boy would've gone there years ago. After all he had heard of the place, the little boy would rather had run away from all these people and live out on the streets by himself, so that's exactly what he did.

He broke into a sprint, he had always been a fast runner. Nobody even noticed he had ran off until it was time to go get him.

The little boy slipped into an alley after making sure nobody had followed him and sat down. He was sure missing children posters would be all over the town, and he couldn't let anyone find him.

So he abandoned his old name and took a new one. One that reflected his lonely life. His new name would be Mono.

All he had to do now was cover up his face, so he looked around the alley for a minute or two until a came across a brown paper big. Mono quickly broke two holes for eyes into the bag and pulled it over his face. The bag wasn't hard to breathe in, and nobody could know who he was, it was perfect.

Over the next 5 years, Mono would do whatever he could to earn money for food. As long as the job wasn't violent, Mono took it. At 14 years old he found himself becoming a drug dealer, and eventually he found himself having a customer that he got rather frequently. That boy's name was Seven, and the two became close friends.

Past their occasional drug deal, Mono would find himself hanging out with Seven whenever Seven was out of school. Since Mono was on the run, he never actually went to school.

Since Mono didn't have a place to live, he usually slept in the best abandoned buildings and alleys he could find. If the weather was too bad to sleep outside, Seven would let Mono sneak through his basement window and crash on the couch down there, but Mono always had to leave before Seven's family woke up.

Along with being sneaky, Mono learned a number of other skills on the street as well, but two were his best.

The first ability was to dodge the cops, something the boy had to do rather often given his line of work.

The second, and more interesting ability, is to play music. Before Mono got into dealing he would play with an old guitar he found on they streets for a little cash.


A boy who's parents were both killed in the dark of the night in a robbery of their house when he was 5. His skin is unusually pale and his hair dark.

The only reason Seven managed to survive was because he heard the robbers break in, however instead of going to get help, he hid under his bed, hiding until the morning when the cops came in due to a report of loud crashing noises.

Instead of going to an orphanage, Seven was sent to live with his aunt and uncle, and his cousin Six. Unfortunately, his aunt and uncle blamed him for his parents death, and he was harshly treated at their house.

His room was in the basement, and he usually stayed outside, working jobs and buying food, since they didn't often give him dinner.

He was always sad, so he turned towards pills to stay happy. That's how he met his closest friend, Mono.

He's also close with his cousin Six. He doesn't hold it against her for his aunt and uncle's treatment of him.

Six and Veronica:

Six and Veronica have been best friends since the 8th grade, and they even wear matching yellow hoodies. They're actually very content with their life and don't have many issues. (They're mentally stable, crazy I know!)

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