Sookai- Secret Admirer

Start from the beginning

After work, Soobin watched Kai walk out with his arm around Wonyoung's waist. That should've been him. He walked out of the office with sad music blasting in his headphones. The train ride back to his place sucked. His bag was tossed onto the floor when he arrived at his condo. He grabbed a pint of ice cream, turned on his favorite k-drama, then drowned his sorrows in sugary dairy.

The next day at work, Soobin walked in to see Kai in a bitter mood. His brows were scrunched as he was writing reports. He sat at his own desk to start work.

Without looking up, Kai stated "I see you staring at me. Just ask."

Soobin set his pen down. "Are you okay?"

"Just fine."


Kai kept angrily writing. He finished his stack of reports in 10 minutes when it should've taken him 30. He sighed at his computer then looked back over towards Soobin. "She lied. I found that out when I asked her when she started liking me. The dates didn't match up to when I first started receiving the gifts."

"What else is it? I've never seen you this mad before."

"I just wanted to do something nice for that person. I wanted to thank them and tell them I want to meet them. I just..." Kai sighed again. "... wish I knew who they were."

Soobin's palms started to sweat. He rubbed them onto his pants then stood up. His heart raced as he leaned against Kai's desk. "It was me."

"Very funny." Kai started to flip through his reports to ensure he didn't make any mistakes.

Soobin put his hand on top of the pile so his crush couldn't look at them. "I'm being serious. I've liked you for a long time now. Hold on."

Kai was shown a screenshot of the receipts from his gifts. "It was you?"

"Yeah... I didn't tell you because I was scared you wouldn't be happy when you found out it was me."

Kai put his hand on his thigh as he stood up. "Are you free tonight? I'd love to take you out."


Beomgyu yelled "HE'S FREE!"

Soobin started grinning. They were actually supposed to hang out today. His best friend was the greatest wingman he could've asked for. "I guess I'm free."

Kai placed a light kiss on his cheek. He then playfully slapped his arm. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Ow!" Soobin grabbed his hand. Their fingers intertwined. Kai's hand fit so perfectly in his. "I told you why!"

"Well I think that's a dumb excuse Soobin!"

"I was nervous!"

"Of me?!" Kai squished his own cheeks. He was showing off how adorable he was.

Soobin laughed as he grabbed his hands. "Where are we going tonight?"

"Have you ever been to Café Loraine?"


"You're going to love it!"

Time didn't go by fast enough. Soobin didn't get any work done. The clock had more of his attention than his work did. At 5:00 exactly, he ran to the bathroom to change for his date. He came out in a dark green button down, black dress pants and black leather shoes. Kai was waiting for him at his desk. He was wearing a blue button down, light gray jeans and white converse. His white trenchcoat was slung over his shoulder while he texted on his phone. Soobin was stunned.

Kai looked up. His date looked ridiculously good in green. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Kai grabbed his hand as they walked out together. Their fingers linked again. "You look good."

"You do too. You always do."

"Thank you."

"Would you still have gone out with me if I had told you earlier?"

"Yes Soobin. I still can't believe you didn't tell me earlier! I actually had a crush on you when we met."

Soobin stopped him on the sidewalk. "Had?" Kai started laughing. Soobin couldn't help but laugh too. "What's so funny?!"

"I stopped when I thought you were dating Beomgyu."

Soobin gagged. "Why would you think that?!"

"He tries to kiss you all the time! I thought it was a little game you guys did!"

"No! That's just him being a jackass! He knows I hate it!"

Kai continued to laugh in the middle of the sidewalk. He grabbed Soobin's hand then they kept walking. "You're so cute."

"You are too."

Their date went perfectly. Soobin was in love. He couldn't wait until Kai felt the same way. He dropped him off at his condo. Soobin cupped his cheek. He nervously swallowed the lump in his throat as his crush leaned in to kiss him. When their lips met, his heart felt complete. He felt lightheaded when it ended. "Thanks for an amazing date. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Kai grabbed his arm and yanked him through the front door. He ran his tounge along Soobin's bottom lip then gazed into his eyes. "Spend the night with me."


"I'm a bit more forward with what I want and I want you Soobin."

"God, I want you too. I've wanted you since I first saw you."

Kai kissed him again. He closed the door with his foot. They had an amazing night together. Soobin's face in the morning was the most enchanting sight to wake up to. He was so happy to see his boyfriend's eyes flutter awake. "Good morning."

"Good morning sweetheart." Soobin kissed the bridge of his nose. He gently bit it to tease him after. Kai softly giggled when he did that. "We need to get up for work."

Kai groaned. He grabbed his cell phone then called his boss.

Soobin started to put a shirt on. He stopped buttoning when he heard Kai call in sick.

Kai tossed his phone to the side then pulled Soobin back into bed. He waited for his boyfriend to do the same. When the call was done, he rolled on top of him. They started making out as the sun continued to rise. Kai was everything Soobin imagined him to be. His reality exceeded every daydream, every expectation and every fantasy he concocted. Beomgyu told him his money was wasted on those gifts. It turned out to be the best investment he had ever made.

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