Start from the beginning

After driving for like 40 minutes I found a little cafe that was open. I turned off the car and got out.

I entered the cafe and made my way to the line. There weren't many people, so in 5 minutes I was already next.

I walked to the cashier, and I was greeted by an older lady, she was maybe in her 50's I don't know.

"Welcome to Sunrise Café, what can I get started for you?" she politely said as she looked at me.

I looked at the menu thinking what the girls liked.

"Can I have three turkey sandwiches?" I said, she nodded and started to type on the screen.

"What would you like to drink?"she asked me

"Umm, orange juice please" I replied to her, I looked at the vanity where the sweets were.

"Can you add that pink donut too?" I asked, she looked at me and nodded.

"Your total will be $20.05" she said, i took out my wallet and handed her my card, since i don't have any russian money.

She took my card, swiped it and gave it to me with the receipt.

"You can wait over there, your order will be out soon" I nodded and went to a corner to wait for the food.

I opened my phone and went to my brother's contact. He is probably not sleeping since he doesn't rest.

Me: Giovanni, send one of my jets to Russia at 4:oopm.

Giovanni: Why? Did something happen?

Me: We have Alessia and Emma.

Giovanni: WHAT!? How?

Me: It's a long story, I will tell you later.

Giovanni: Okay, I already told the pilot. Should I tell mom and dad?

Me: No, I will tell them

Giovanni: Alright, anything else brother?

Me: No that would be it Good night .

Me: And for god's sakes go to sleep

Giovanni: Aww is nice to see that you care for me good night big bro.

Me: Go fuck yourself

"Three turkey sandwiches with orange juice and a donut!" someone yelled.

I walked there and grabbed the bags. I got to the car, put the bags in the passenger seat and turned on the car, and left.

I arrived at the hotel once again, I parked the car and headed to the room. The doorman opened the door as he always did. I headed to the elevator and hit the 10th-floor button. As I waited, I started thinking about the things they could have done to Emma and Alessia.

I snapped out when I heard the elevator ding, and the doors open. I got out and headed to the room.

I put the things on the floor as I got the key. I swipe the key and open the door, and hold it with my foot so I can grab the bags.

Once I have the bags in my hand, I let the door go and let it close by itself. As I walk up to the table, I hear something playing. I put the bags on the table, and when I turn around.

I see Alessia sleeping, and Emma sleeping on Adaliah. Adaliah had an arm wrapped around Emma's tiny waist. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was calm. She looks so beautiful. She must be tired.

I make my way towards where they are, grab the laptop, and turn off the movie. I went to the bathroom to do my necessities. When I came back to the room.

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