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"Why do you hate me so much?"

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"Why do you hate me so much?"

I looked at him. Is he for real? Did he forget what he did?

"Don't tell me you forgot about it" I tell him

"Would you like to enlighten me" he smirked, I clenched my jaw as I looked at him.

"Did you forget when you killed my fucking boyfriend Lorenzo? When you fucking poisoned him, I was fucking suspicious about you but I told myself that you wouldn't do it. But I was fucking wrong." I told him. His jaw and hands started to clench at the memory but before he could say anything one of my men came to me with a paper in his hands.

"Boss, these are the blueprints of the warehouse they are in. My team and I believe that they are being held in this room. This room may seem small but the location is wired and pretty hidden from what Carlos had told us." he tells me while pointing at the paper.

I nodded and started analyzing the blueprint, they did a pretty good job. I grabbed it, rolled it up, and put it away in my bag.

"Thanks, you may go" I simply said, he bowed his head and left. I looked out the window just to see the blue sky and white clouds. This flight is 10 hours and 50 minutes. What the hell am I going to do for 10 hours? Then a phone started ringing. That's not my phone. I look over to Lorenzo and see him answering his phone.

Then I remembered that I brought my drawing notebook and pencils so I could draw. Yes, I can draw. When am bored or stressed I usually draw random things.

When I started drawing when my Abuelo [grandpa] died. I was 10 years old when that happened. We were under attack, Dad had put me and Mom in the safe room while he and Abuelo went to help the others. Later Abuelo came to get us but when he opened the door of the safe room, someone shot him dead from behind in front of us.

I remember when he said his last words to me and mom 'Cuida de tu abuela por mi' [Take care of your grandma for me]. When Abuela came to the room with Dad behind her, she was devastated seeing the love of her life laying dead on the floor. Days after she wouldn't eat, she locked herself in her room. When this happened Estela wasn't with us, she was staying at her best friend's house. When she returned the next day, it was hard telling her about it. She was very close to Abuelo.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something wet on my cheek. I didn't realize I was crying, I wiped my cheeks and looked down to see what have I drawn. It's a girl halfway in the river while her inner demons tell her to keep going.  I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Lorenzo.

"Are you ok?" he softly asks our eyes meet, and looking into his beautiful blue eyes, they hold worry. What am I thinking? I looked down, not wanting him to see me weak.

"Are you alright, Tesoro?"[Darling] This time he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. I let out a shaky breath.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I stuttered

What the fuck? since when do I stutter

"You don't look fine Adaliah, What's wrong?"

"I'm fine. Why do you care" I said harshly

"I'm sorry for worrying about my future wife who is crying"

Future wife

"I-... I was just thinking about my grandpa" I gave in. I felt a knot forming in my throat. I started to breathe very fast. Fuck why now.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head, tears threatening to fall. Lorenzo's hands make their way to my seatbelt and takes it off. he grabs me and pulls me into his lap. His hands wrap around my waist. One of his hands goes to my head and pushes it down into his chest.

I wrapped my arms around him, as I started to break down. He started to rub my back while saying comforting things in my ear.

Once I calmed down, I brought my head up and looked at him. He wipes some of the tears I have left.

"When I was 10 years old—" I hesitated "It's okay Amore you don't need to tell me now" [Love] he softly said while he caressed my cheek.

"N-no I want to. If I'm going to marry you, at least let's start with something" he nodded

"Like I was saying when I was 10 years old, all of my family was at home with us, it's a tradition to all meet up at my house and have a nice day on Saturdays. We were having so much fun, me, Estela and some of our cousins were playing hide and seek, while the adults were drinking and all the shit. When nighttime came by, me and Mom were making our way to my room. That's when the security alarm started going off, then we started to hear gunshots, people shooting.

My dad came to get us and took us to the safe room. We heard everything, people yelling, gunshots. After like an hour, the door finally opened it was my grandpa. But when he was about to tell us something someone shot him from behind, I started screaming, and that's when Dad and Grandma came in the room. My grandma just froze of course she would the love of her life was laying dead in front of her. The guys who shot him got away and until this day we haven't caught him. I have nightmares about this Lorenzo, sleepless nights it hell for me Lorenzo." I sobbed.

Lorenzo never took his eye off me, he wiped my tears. He doesn't say anything he just brings me into a hug again. I wrap my arms around his neck.

After 10 minutes, I calm down I lift my head from his neck, look down at his shirt, and see that is wet.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your shirt" I mumbled

"It's alright," he said, and he put me back into my seat. He stands up and goes to the back of the jet. Great, Now I'm going to have a fucking headache. Moments after he comes back with a bottle of water and some Advil.

"These are for the headache" he hands me both things. I mumbled a ' thanks' and took them. After I took them, I felt my eyes start to shut, I got comfortable in my seat and went to sleep.

 After I took them, I felt my eyes start to shut, I got comfortable in my seat and went to sleep

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A/N- All of the translations are from Google Translate so the translation may not be accurate. I am not fluent in any language writing here except Spanish and English.

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