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I fucked up, I don't know why I said that

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I fucked up, I don't know why I said that. Now I'm on the floor getting punched by Adaliah. I groan when she hits my nose.

Fuck I think she broke my nose.

I try to get her off me, then Marco barges in with Anna Adaliah's mom. Marco separates Adaliah from me and moves her across the room. He yells something in Spanish as he comes my way.

"HE HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO SAY THAT HE HOPES THEY KILL MY FUCKING SISTER" she yelled, I could hear the hurt in her voice. She leaves the room; Marco helps me get up and brings me to the living room. Anna brings a first aid kit and runs upstairs.

"Are you alright?" Marco asked me while he cleans my cuts.

"I think my nose is broken" I replied, he chuckled and checked my nose, and he tells me everything is fine. Anna and Adaliah come down; I see that Adaliah has a bag. She turns to her mom and grabs her hand.

"You won't lose us ma; I will find her I promise. I love you ma" she tells her and kisses her cheek. She turns around and faces her dad, he asks her where she is going, and she replies and then leaves.

Anna goes upstairs, and Marco turns to me.

"I'm sorry Marco I didn't know what got into me" I apologize which I don't ever do.

"It's alright, is the alliance still going?" he asked me.

"Yes, my dad made a deal with you 10 years ago and I need to keep it," I said to him as I got up.

"I'm going to head home, if I find anything I will call you," I said, he nodded as I grab my belongings.

I got in my car and started to drive back home. I got back to the house and went straight to my office. I open a pack of cigarettes, grab a lighter, and light it up. Giovanni barges into my office.

"Damn brother who did that," he asked me.

"Adaliah" I replied as I looked at some papers, I looked at him to only see him smirking.

"What are you smirking at? Sit down, we need to find Alessia and Emma before it's too late" he nodded, and we started to work.

"What are you smirking at? Sit down, we need to find Alessia and Emma before it's too late" he nodded, and we started to work

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