. Camp (Team Newbies) .

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" So. This is our camp?. " Lollipop Said

" Yeah I Guess It Is. " Gelatin Responsed

Teardrop nodded aswell

" Why is it deserted..? "

" Because its a desert lollipop. " Gelatin replied.

" Deserts Dont have bushes dumbass. "

" Right... "

Teardrop tapped both of their shoulders to let them know there was lots of sleeping bags and tents and even food.

" FOOD!! " Gelatin jumped up and down

" Why are you so happy about food gelatin? " Balloony Asked

" Dont mind him. He gets happy at food all the time. "

" No wonder hes fat. " Firey said

" Firey dont be rude! " Leafy exclaimed.

" What...? I-IM NOT FAT!! "



Lollipops Pov:

Teardrop just wandered over to the tent and got in it, Probally because she was tired.

Firey and gelatin were arguing. Gosh i wish i could drop-kick firey but i cant. I would burn if i touched him with my finger or whatever.

" Can you 2 shut up. Your Driving Me Insane.. "

" No. " Firey Responded.

" Im about to shove a yoyleberry down you throat so i can drop-kick you. " I Responded.

Firey eyes widened

" Huh " Was All He Said To Her.

" Your heard me. And i meant every single word. "

" God Fine. " Firey Moaned.

" Now. Im going to take a nap, atleast shut up for like 5 minutes. "

" Alright bye lollipop! " Gelatin waved.


No Ones Pov:

" Firey, You cant just call people fat.. " Leafy sighed

" Yes i can. Plus im just speaking the truth. "



" Please shut up.. You 2 r getting on my nerves now Aswell. " Balloony Sighed.

" Shut up balloony. " Firey Responded.

" No. You Shut up firey. "

In the meantime, Td had been wandering around the camp, Nobody didnt notice she even got up. She was used to people forgetting her, But while td was exploring, She found a scroll, it looked ancient to her. She grabbed a shovel, fishing rod and hammer. The scroll was telling her to use a hammer, After a while of searching for the right tree to hit, She hit the tree and another scroll fell out. The scroll said " Vote Steal Advantage " Td was confused, But Knew she had to hold on to it so she did.

Suddenly Four appeared infront of her.

" Congrats Td! Youve found a advantage! Ill Tell you what you can do with it. " Four Smiled

" So. When your teams up for elimination, You can use that advantage on someone, The person you pick Will not be able to vote And you will get to vote 2x! "

Td kinda understood what four said

" Bye Bye Td! "

Four Disappeared.

Teardrop Plopped the scroll inside her and just wandered off again.


yippee i finished tjis chapter

455 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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