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" Where the hell are four and x at? "

" I dunno. Dont ask me Lolli." Gelatin replied

" Are you guys still wondering where four is? " Balloony Asked

" Well yeah. Its been 2 years where even are they?. "

" Oh keep your patience up Lolli! They'll turn up soon. "


" Hey Flower! "

" Oh Hello ruby.! " Flower replied

" What r you doing? " Ruby Asked

" Nothing Really . "

" Wanna Know Something ? "

" Sure. "

" I Found Four And X!! "


" Yeah! And x has teardrop!! "

" Wow! "

" Wait a minute did...you say.. Teardrop?.. "

" Yeah! Can you believe it? Shes back! "

Flower looked over to four and x and saw teardrop standing beside x.

Flower started having flashbacks of when td betrayed her in the oven.

" You good flower? "

Flower Flinched and looked at ruby.

" Yeah im fine.. I was just zoning out i guess.. " Flower Chuckled Nervously.

" Alright then! "

Suddenly, Everyone was teleported to the same spot, Everyone was confused. But before anyone could scream, They Saw Four.

" Hello Everyone! " Four chucked teardrop into Lollipops arms

Gelatin yelled

" Jesus Christ where have you been td? " Lollipop questioned.

Teardrop didnt wanna tell them where she was.

" Ahem. Anyways You guys are gonna be competing in a new show! "

" What? Another?.. " Blocky Was confused

" Yes Another. Here Are The Rules. " X Replied.

" So the game is called outlaster. Me and four will pick 2 team captains. And those team captains have to pick 7 people for their team. Your team will get a camp for you to rest and get ready for challenges. The challenges will be simple, But different from the challenges we did in bfb. Anyway when one of the teams win, the other team will have to go to elimination to vote a member off. There are hostages, Deserting and more in this game..So Good luck! "

" Alright Now that you know what to do. Lets pick some team leaders. " Four announced.

" I Pick... Teardrop i guess.. "

Four Announced Again

" X Pick a Contestant. "

" Alright I Pick Hm.. Flower! "
X Replied

" Wow.. Im The Team Leader? Cool. " Flower Said.

" Td Pick a person. "

Teardrop Pointed at gelatin.

A "Yippee" Was Said By Gelatin.

" I Pick Ruby. " Flower Said

Teardrop Picked Lollipop Next

Flower Picked Blocky

A Few Minutes Pass (cus im lazy)

" Okay! So. Here Are The Teams. "

Team Newbies.


Team December


" Alright Youll be teleported to your camps now. "

X snapped their fingers and the contestants evaporated.


Wowzers Outlaster? BFDI? my 2 favourite things.

429 words.

.Outlaster. (BFDI VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now