Chapter 19

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            Damarius changed into something more formal so I followed his lead and did the same. I was happy to be back in the castle and have access to my own clothes again. A while ago, Damarius had moved all of my clothes from my apartment here while Kamar just replaced my wardrobe with his own preference. I kindly separated the two because I only wore the dresses when he told me to. I was happy to choose my own outfit, but when Damarius entered the room in his own attire, I suddenly felt like none of mine were up to par. He had on slim black pants, a long sleeve black button up, black boots, and a long black cape that hung off of his left shoulder. I had never seen someone where a half cape before, and the way it hung off of his body just made him look even more like a King.

"Wow," I said, unable to get any other words out. He walked up to me and planted a kiss on my lips. "Why aren't you dressed?"

I could feel my cheeks turning red as I looked at my closet. "I don't know what to wear. I don't have anything that can compare to what you have. And I definitely don't want to wear a dress."

"This is the only cloak I have, given to me a long time ago by my brother. Only the Kings were allowed to wear a cloak, cape, mantle, or crown. But as you saw, Kamar wore what he wanted even before he was King. And a lot of demons wear cloaks now since there is no penalty for it."      

I half laughed. "I remember."

"So for today, do not worry about what you wear. Our presence alone will tell them who we are."

I smiled up at him. "All right." He exited the room to give me privacy and I tried to pick something similar to his. I picked out a long sleeve black shirt, black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, and black combat boots. I knew it was cold outside, but I didn't shiver. I decided to go without a jacket and let my black hair stay down. When I entered the hallway and saw Damarius waiting for me, those dark eyes were just as welcoming as they've always been. He gave a gentle scan of my body and then focused on my eyes. He held out his hand as I walked towards him to grab it.

"You have always moved with such confidence, even as a mortal" he said as he kissed the top of my hand. "I've always admired that about you."

"I may look confident but I'm nervous."

He smiled. "I know. But you are strong, Vanessa, some have even said as strong as me."

My eyes widened. "Who would tell such a lie?"

"I don't believe it to be a lie. Now show me where this portal is, my Queen."

              I led him down the circular staircase that led into the room with the large tree and pool of water. It was just as beautiful as the last time I saw it. I hoped that the vampires on the other side wasn't waiting to kill us, because if so, they would surely lose.

**** We emerged from the water and it was four vampires standing there with their swords drawn. All of them were in knights armor with black capes, but none of them wore helmets. I scanned their faces hoping I would recognize one of them, but these were all new.

"We are here to speak with King Vali," Damarius announced as we stood in the shallow part of the water. The vampire closest to the left wall replied, "The King hasn't given you permission to be here. You are trespassing. King Kamar is the only one allowed to come here."

"Kamar is no longer King and has been exiled. We must speak with King Vali... It's about his wife."

They pushed their swords closer to our faces as if just mentioning their Queen angered them.

"You will not speak of our Queen."

I was starting to get pissed, but Damarius' calm energy wrapped around me so I could control myself.

The Reaper (Book 3 of the Vanessa Solomon Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon