Chapter 17

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I didn't think and only acted as I let my power guide me where I needed to go. My scythe chose Persian, and I watched her brace herself as I rushed her. She dodged my scythe, but only barely as the tip of my blade cut the side of her face. I watched her movements and figured out where she was going to be next. I completely got rid of my scythe, appearing in front of her and grabbing her by the throat. My quickness surprised her as I lifted her into the air, levitating to the ceiling. I used my other hand to pull back my hood so she could see my eyes. The look on her face was enough to satisfy any thirst, but I craved for more.

"They are going to kill your son, and there's nothing you can do to stop it," I said in my demonic voice, squeezing her throat tighter until her face turned purple.

She would open her mouth and close it as if she was trying to speak, but there was nothing left that I wanted to hear. I held out my left hand, gripping the handle of my scythe as it formed before I dropped her. I watched her fall until she was a few feet from the ground, listening to her cough as she tried to grasp her breath. My lips curved into a smile and I rushed down, swinging my scythe through her body right before she hit the ground.

I stood there for a few seconds, fully confident that I didn't miss. The room was silent, and I could feel the amount of eyes staring at me. I felt something hit my foot and I looked down to see Persian's eyes staring up at me. I slowly turned around and saw her beheaded body on the floor with blood spilling out. I watched as her spirit rose from her body in this red string of light, but I wasn't going to allow her rest. I tilted my scythe forward and the red string of light was pulled to it like a magnet. My scythe consumed her spirit and started glowing a bright red before dimming back to its original color. I rested the bottom of my scythe on the floor, still wearing my black cloak as I looked up to see Kamar and Damarius staring at me.

A pile of flesh sat on the floor behind them; a body so unrecognizable that mortal eyes wouldn't be able to tell if it was human. I felt my scythe disappear and my hand clenched my cloak; I willed it to stay, and so it did. Damarius approached me in his human form, a mixture of Warden, Kamar, and his own blood covering his body. It didn't disgust me, and I wasn't afraid of catching any diseases from it because immortals were immune. That was something my reaper teacher did teach me that I never forgot.

Damarius looked down at me with those dark brown eyes and gently placed the edge of his finger underneath my chin. I didn't have to use my own power to lift me into the air because he used his own and lifted my face up to his. He guided me to his lips and a warm energy began wrapping around us. The kiss was soft, but powerful. I could hear both of our hearts racing and I placed my hand on his chest. I had never felt so connected to him; I listened to our hearts beat in sync until I heard another sound come from behind him. I pulled back from the kiss to see large black wings coming out of his back. They were the same ones he had when he was in his demon form, but these looked so much bigger. Maybe because he was still in human form.

Damarius opened his eyes and they were glowing bright red as he wrapped his wings around me. He kept my face at level with his, wrapping his arms around my lower body as his wings cocooned us. The room was no longer visible and all I could focus on was my lover in front of me.

"What's happening?" I asked him in a soft voice, my finger gently grazing his lips.

"Rowen was right."

My eyes widened, but not with fear. Happiness filled my heart as I realized his power had finally matured. He was now an Archdemon.

He kissed me again, this time more passionately, and I couldn't help but want him right then. He pulled my body tighter against him so I could grind and let out a soft moan.

The Reaper (Book 3 of the Vanessa Solomon Series)Where stories live. Discover now