"Sometimes the heart wants what it wants. We can't always control what goes on inside of us. Do you think I want to like her? I don't but I just can't control it. When I see her, I turn to pudding. My heart does back flips and in my belly the butterflies go crazy." 

"You really like her a lot, huh." 

"Yeah, I guess I do." We stay a little longer in the park, walking around and enjoying the weather. By the time we are heading back to the entrance it's already dark out. 

"Thank you Tatter."

"What for?"

"For being such an amazing friend." I lean forward and kiss her cheek. "I'm glad we are friends. I don't know what I would've done without you today." Tatter hugs me tightly. We say our goodbyes and head into our different directions. 

I'm almost home now but I just can't shake this feeling that someone is following me. Carefully I peek over my shoulder and indeed someone is walking behind me. I start picking up my speed. The person behind me starts walking faster as well. I am now full on sprinting. I'm almost home just a few more meters, when suddenly I am snatched from behind and pinned against a wall. My eyes widen in shock. It's Howl and he looks pissed. 

"Where is my girlfriend? Where is BADA?" He screams at me. "She's staying at your place, isn't she?" I shake my head no. "Don't you dare lie. Don't you fucking dare lie." 

"Even if I knew where she was I wouldn't tell you. You don't deserve her, you ass." I scream back. 

"You don't know? Really? Well how about I knock some sense into you. Maybe then you'll remember." *Smack* He slaps me across the face, just like I did with him in the club. The only difference is that he's a lot stronger than me, so it hurts a lot more. "Speak." Silence. Another slap. And still silence. "You are getting on my nerves, woman." Silence. *Slap* *Slap* *Slap* 

I am now full on crying. My tears just stream down, completely out of control. I can taste metal in my mouth. Blood. My nose and lips are bleeding. And my cheeks are stinging. 

With as much power as possible I try to fight back. But it's no use. 

"You really don't know, do you?" He finally stops. I shake my head no, not able to form words. He lets go of me and I slide down the wall. I sob and sob and sob. By the time i'm finished with crying he is long gone. I gather all my strength and walk the few meters back home. In front of the door my hands are shaking, and I am barely able to unlock the door. As I enter I can see Bada sitting on the sofa, shaking her leg anxiously. She looks up at the sound of the door. I take my first few steps, everything is spinning. Bada glances at me in horror.

"What happened to your face?" She rushes towards me. Before I can answer I collapse. The older one catches me just before I hit the floor. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" Her voice is laced with guilt and concern. 

"I am fine." I say, steadying myself and pushing her slightly away. 

"Please, let me help you." 

"I don't want your help. Don't you get it. This is all your fault." I burst out crying. My fists are hitting against Bada's chest. But she only tightens the embrace. We sit on the cold floor with her rubbing circles on my back.

"I hate... that I can't hate you. No matter how you treat me, no matter how much you scream at me, curse at me. I can't stop feeling sorry for you. Why? Why are you doing this to me?" My sobs soon echo thru the whole place. 

"It was Howl? Wasn't it?" My sobs stop and I look up at the taller. She has a knowing look on her face. "I watched the video... or more listened to it." Oh, no. This means she heard what I said. Anyone who has more than one brain cell would be able to tell that it was an indirect confession. Deeply embarrassed I glance at the ground. I never noticed that our floor was so shiny. Huh, how interesting. 

Suddenly Bada stands up and lifts me, so that I am wrapped around her like a koala. She starts walking towards my room and then my bathroom. Carefully placing me on the counter. She grabs a cloth and runs it under some cold water. Bada takes my chin into one hand and slowly starts wiping the blood of my face with the cold cloth. 

"ow." I wince. The cuts on my lip sting hard. Badas eyes never leave my lips. The whole time she is staring at them. Usually I would drop a witty remark but I don't have the energy for that right now. She wipes over my bottom lip again and I pull away lightly from the pain. 

"Stop moving." She tightens her grip. Looking me deep in the eyes. We are so close, our faces just inches away from each other. Bada lets her thumb glide over my bottom lip. My heart is beating so fast right now, I'm almost certain she can hear it. "Strip." And just like that I'm back to reality.

"Wha...What?" My cheeks are on fire and not because of the slaps. 

"You have blood on your clothes and skin." She says pointing towards my chest. "I'll get some clothes, just take off your top." She leaves the bathroom to get me a new shirt. Hesitantly I take off my top, feeling slightly exposed in just my bra. Bada comes back inside and I swear she's blushing. 

"Here." She hands me a shirt and turns around. Her ears are completely red. Am I flustering the Bada Lee? No way. I pull the shirt over my head and hop off the counter to remove my pants. Thankfully the shirt goes almost to my knees so I'm not flashing anyone. 

"Done." She turns back round and eyes me from top to bottom. Her eyes stopping once at the end of the shirt and once at my boobs. She gulps and quickly looks away. A light chuckle escapes my lips. "You look cute when you're flustered." 

"I'm not flustered." She protests, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Whatever you say babygirl." I move past her and leave the bathroom. Why look at that. Someone's getting their flirting out. Who would have thought that I would ever make someone blush, let alone an older woman. I mean she's 28. So only 8 years older, that's not really a lot but still. I can hear Bada groan before leaving the bathroom as well.  

"Babygirl? Yah, I'm your teacher." Bada jokes, trotting behind me. 

"Not anymore you're not. Don't you remember? You kicked me out, said I was holding up the rest and that I wasn't good enough?" I stand in front of her teasingly. 

"Ahhhh.... about that.... Would you consider coming back?" Bada avoids my gaze. 

"Hmmmm..." I cross my arms. "I'll have to think about it. To be honest, I do enjoy this freedom that I have now."

"Please come back. You're the best one there." The taller begs. 

"Well what's in it for me tho?" Now I'm just teasing her to make her frustrated. 

"Please. Whatever you want you get. I promise." Bada is now on her knees. 

"Whatever I want? No matter what?" 

"Anything. No restrictions." 

"Well..." I hold my chin thinking. "Give me your phone." Bada looks at me confused. But I just extend my hand motioning her to give it to me. 

"What exactly are you doing?" Bada's face is laced with concern. I open her contacts and click on a specific one. It's ringing. 

"Bada?" A male voice speaks up. Bada's eyes widen in horror. 

"Here." I hand her the phone. "Break up with him." Bada shakes her head to the point that it might fly off. "You said anything. Do you want me back or not?" The older gulps and takes the phone. 

"Howl. We need to talk. No, I need to talk, you just listen." She shoots me a glare. I know it's kinda mean to throw her into this situation without warning but I know that as soon as she sees him she won't be able to do it. So this is the perfect opportunity. 


Heyy, it's Sophia.

Who would have thought we'd see Bada on her knees. The next chapter is gonna be... quite something, so buckle up.  

Anyways, as always I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. And if there is anything that you would like me to add, let me know.

I hope ya'll have a great day and I'll see you next time.

Lots of love

xoxo - Soph 

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