Character introduction

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Edeline is a regular girl from a regular family. You wouldn't really pay attention to her as she isn't some genius kid or someone with a crazy talent. She is your basic 20 year old 164cm tall girl, who is about to start university. But let's dive into her a little more before we start with this story. 

Edeline, or Eddy, as her friends call her grew up in the south of France. Cannes to be exact. To a French mother and a Monaco father. Her mom used to be a model in the late 80s, early 90s. So it's safe to say she's your typical 'always on a diet mom' also known as an 'almond-mom'. While she never forced this lifestyle onto her daughter you can assume that Eddy doesn't have the best relationship with food. Oftentimes not eating enough or straight up skipping meals. At the same time her mom is also Edeline's biggest supporter. Always encouraging her daughter to go out and experience the world. Sending 4 year old Eddy to Paris on her own to study ballet at a boarding school and with 16 shipping her off to England to develop better English skills. Now at 20, her mom made sure that Eddy only applied to Uni's not in Europe. Her dad on the other hand was barely ever around. Always super busy with work, travelling around the globe. He's the founder of an electronics company that boomed in the mid 2000s selling pieces to companies like Apple, Samsung and Dyson. But he always made sure to be around for Eddy's birthday. Not missing it ever. He would even fly out to where she was to spend the day with her. The 11th of November. Edeline's favourite day of the whole year. The only day her dad is focused solely on his pride and joy. As a dad with Arab-roots it can be very difficult to express his love for his daughter so he showers her with gifts. But on that day he gives her the biggest gift someone could make and that is time. 

Since Eddy basically grew up away from home, she's very independent. Sometimes a bit too much for her own good. She would never tell you she needs help. No. She'd rather do it on her own, even if it takes twice the time. She's also a big perfectionist, not resting until everything is exactly how she wants it. Eddy's an especially introverted person. (INTP) Not liking being around people and only having very few friends. It takes time for her to open up to someone but when she does it's the best thing to happen to your life. Speaking of friends, her best friend in the whole world is Audrey. They've known each other since they were babies and have been inseparable since then. So it came to a big shock when Eddy found out that her bestie was accepted at Oxford. Because that meant that for the first time the girls would be apart for a longer period of time. Edeline of course is happy for her friend and wishes she could join her in England but that's in Europe... so it's off the table. 

Edeline's a smart girl, not a genius but smart. Finishing top off her school and speaking multiple languages. So when it came time to apply for Uni she reached for the stars and sent applications to the big schools. Yale, Harvard, Columbia and so on. You get the gist. But in the end the girl settled for 'Seoul National University' as they have a great dance program and the girl was certain she didn't want to give up her passion any time soon. Naturally her mother was over the moon when she heard that Eddy decided to go to Korea. It's as if her mom wants her to be as far away as possible. But Edeline knows that her mom wants her to not regret life so she is very thankful that her parents allow her to explore the world. 

Edeline is especially looking forward to learning more about the history and culture of the country. As she's always been a history nerd. Wanting to broaden her horizon to the max. She's been learning the language ever since she settled for this Uni. And certainly she's getting quite good at it. She doesn't even need the subtitles for the K-Dramas anymore. 

The brunette girl has been under a lot of stress lately tho. Making sure to get her Visa sorted out and packing up whatever she needs for her student apartment. All she knows is that she has a roommate called Lee Soobin. And that's about it. This past week she made sure to say goodbye to all the people she would probably not see for a while. The hardest farewell was the one from Audrey. The girls cried for ages at the airport when Eddy dropped Rey off to fly to London. And now it's her turn. She stands at her gate and hugs her mom one last time. Most of her things are already at her new place. So she's travelling light. One carry-on and one trolley. That's all. 

"Au-revoir mon amour. Call me when you land." My mom is crying into our hug. 

"I will maman. I promise." I give her one last 'bisou' and head inside. New life here I come.  

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