The first meeting

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"Miss...Miss...Wake up. We are landing in a few minutes." Someone nudges me from the side. I open my eyes slowly taking in my surroundings. I glance at the older lady to my right. 

"Thank you for waking me up." I thank her and gather my things making sure that I don't forget anything. We slowly start with our landing and to my surprise it's actually quite smooth. Who would have thought. 

"Dear passengers we have just landed at 'Incheon International Airport' in Seoul, South Korea. The current time is 3pm and the weather is sunny. We hope you had a lovely flight and ask you to please be respectful when getting your luggage from the overhead compartment. Thank you for flying with Korean-Air and have a lovely stay. This was your captain speaking." I unbuckle my seat belt and throw my bag over my shoulder. As I still have more than enough time I don't rush and wait until the plane is almost empty. I get my trolley and make my way to the luggage claim to get my carry on. After what feels like ages my 'Rimowa' finally comes out. I grab it and make my way out to the subway. The ride to my new home is uneventful. A few glances or stares are thrown my way but I'm not really surprised. After all I'm a foreigner with a handful of luggage on the subway. Finally we reach my stop and I get out. I get out my phone and turn on 'Kakaomap' as Maps doesn't really work here. A few more minutes pass and I reach my building. I enter and go towards the reception where I'll receive my keys. 

"Hello, I'm Edeline Dubois. I'm..."

"Ahh yes, Apartment 07. We've been awaiting your arrival, Mademoiselle. Here are your keys and Hyunsik here will take your luggage and take you to the flat." He points with his hand to a young man not much older than me standing next to the lift. 

"Thank you very much. Monsieur Choi." I bow slightly and walk to the lift boy. He comes and takes the luggage of my hands and we enter the lift. He presses the button to my floor. We come to a stop and he takes my bags again and leads me to my front door. 

"Thank you very much Hyunsik." He bows and without a word goes back to the lift. I turn to the door and feel a sudden wave of nervousness. I got this. You got this Eddy. I put the key into the lock and before I can turn it over the door swings open startling the hell out of me. 

"Hiiiii, you must be Edeline. I'm Su-bin but call me Redy. Nice to meet you, come in." She grabs the bags from my hand and pulls me inside. Oh gosh. She's a complete extrovert. I can tell. She puts the bags down on the floor and turns to me. 

"Hi, yes I'm Edeline but please call me Eddy." I say taking off my shoes and stepping into the flat. 

"Come, I'll show you around." She grabs my arm and pulls me around. "This is the kitchen. I don't really cook tho. Not very good at it." She shrugs and laughs. 

"I can cook and bake. Maybe I can teach you a little." Her face lights up. 

"That would be amazing. This is the living room. I didn't really decorate it much. So feel free to add some deco if you want." I nod my head listening to her. We walk down a short corridor. 

"This is my room." She points to the left. "I took the smaller one because I don't really have that much stuff so I thought it would be more practical for me. This door is a guest bathroom." She opens the door in the middle. It's a tiny room with a toilet and a sink. "This is your room." Redy opens the door on the right and my mouth drops open. 

"You didn't want this room? HOW?!" I look at her shocked. 

"I'm very messy so a big room would mean more to clean." She shrugs again. "You have your own bathroom and a small walk-in closet." I can't believe that she didn't want this room. "I'll let you get settled. If you need me I'll be in the living room." I take my bags and enter the room. It's full with my boxes that arrived a few weeks ago. Alright let's get unpacking. After centuries I put together the last box. 

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