What the...

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It's been a few weeks now since Tatter and I had our date. And a lot has happened. Well.... not really. But let me give you an update anyways. Oh god.... Where do I even start.... Hmmm.... Redy was definitely right. Tatter had like a week after our date a new crush, on a girl named Minah from dance class. But we are still really close, so no need to worry. Btw, dance class was horrible. The day after our date, Friday. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced. Bada was constantly on my ass for no reason. 'You're doing this wrong. That's not right. Do it again' and so on and so on. She also disappeared every time I wanted to tell her about the audition for the school team. I ended up not trying out. Just no time for it really. But anyways... Dance class has been horror ever since that day. I get anxiety every time I enter thru those doors. I have no clue what I did but Bada suddenly hates my guts. For no apparent reason as it seems. I even asked Redy about it but she also has no clue. I wonder if it has anything to do with Tatter and me holding hands. Seriously I have no idea what I did to make her hate me over night. But on a brighter note Redy and I have become really close, spending a lot of time together. Whether it was us redoing her room, me teaching her some easy recipes  or us just watching movies together. I'm really glad we get along so well. Also, Audrey is gonna visit me this week. YAYYY. I can't wait to see her. I've missed her soooo much. Actually I'm on my way to the airport right now to pick her up. I get out of the subway and head to the landing area. 

"EDDY!!" I recognise that voice anywhere. I look up to see my best friend running towards me. 

"REY!" I run towards her and indulge her in the biggest hug possible. "I've missed you so much, babes you have no idea." Tears are escaping my eyes. Rey brakes away from the hug, her cheeks also wet. 

"I'm so glad I was able to come visit you." I take one of her bags and we head out. After a 30 minute subway ride we finally make it to my flat. Rey will be staying the week with Redy and I. 

"Welcome to my crib." I joke, opening the door. 

"Not bad, not bad at all." Rey steps in nodding in approval. "Better than my dorm that's for sure." 

"Come, I'll show you my room." I take her things and we enter my room. "I have my own bathroom and I cleared out some space in my closet for you." 

"Woman, you live in luxury." Rey looks around the room in awe. "This is so your style. You did an amazing job creating a safe space." 

"Heyyy." A voice chimes in. "I'm Redy. Eddy's room mate. Nice to meet you." Redy comes in holding out her hand to Audrey. 

"I'm Audrey. Nice to meet you too." Rey gives Redy one of her signature gummy smiles. And I swear I can see Redy's ears turning red. 

"Maybe we can hang out sometime?" Oh my. Redy. Are you flirting with my best friend? 

"Yeah, I'd love that." Yup, definitely flirting. They do realise I'm still here right? I clear my throat.

"Well, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you." And with that my room mate is out the door. 



"Oh nothing." I hold in my laugh. "Anyways. What do you wanna do today? You just wanna sleep or go out and do something?"    

"Let's go out. I slept on the plane so I'm not tired." 

"Alright. You want to shower and change and I'll look for somewhere we can go?" 

"Sounds like a plan." Rey heads into the bathroom to shower. I decide to also change my outfit. Since Audrey is almost a head taller than me I can finally put on some higher heels. 

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