chapter 2

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The clouds were dark and the moon was at its rise .The kings room was painted  with blood and bodies. His face was Splashed with blood of the assassins. "Fools " he tsked

The mirror by his side then suddenly was Connected to the human dimension.

he glanzed at the mirror emotionlesly but suddenly was stunned by the beauty of an unknom figure. He was amazed by his beauty and the  only thought that  came to his mind was to devour him all day and night .

he stared at the lovenly body of a boy  and a deep voice called his inner devil  "I have, found him my Bride my mate "

Lucifer was stunned by the voice  "Ha" the exclaimed



"Yuukiii........."  screamed Duwin as he Steped forward towards him.  By the Sound Yuki was brought back from the shock. When he saw Duwin Coming towards him he Crushed the note and hid it in his hand at the back.

"You spacing out again" Duwin said

"N... No just finding Something", by the way  what were you saying "  l can't tell him, he will worry unessessary.

Ah! As the semester has just began so the seniors said we are having a welcome party, 12'clock bar 7:00. "

"But we have to sumit our assiment, also exams are about approach" Yuki said.

Oh come on it doent affect you", and So Yuki was dragged to the bar.


"It was a bad desison after all" Yuki muttered.

"Oh come drink, dok, DRINK"

Get away from me  bastard, you drunkard" Yuki  said. and pushed Duwin away .

Yuki went out to get some fresh air. as he was little drunk?

I heard there was a wending machine near by

5min later

"Just how much did I drink, it's all that idiots fault", he said. regerating drinking with Duwin.

When he turned around he was dazed for a movement

"Which way was back" he questioned

Hey kid Said you alone", a Strange man said

"You need "help" another man said

Yuki turned to look at them, they looked like thugs and was not giving a good vibe..

"No....... No there is no need" he said "I should leave now "he throught.

"Yo kid. we are being friendly so you Should give us some money"

he said as he scanned the drunkend Yuki, whose cheeks were as red and was looking very auraing he was struggling to stable himself and win against the drink.

"On second throught, you are not bad looking you can give us Something else"
one of them said as he licked his lip.

This is bad need to get out of here and why is it burry, just Strong was the drink,
he throught as the saw the disgusting eyes of that man

When he was about to run, that man grabed his hand and pulled him towards him.

"You are not going anywhere"

"Let..... Let go, get away." now Yuki was as he knew what going to happen.

A rough hand touched him at his face and another hand took off his. white shirt.

"No...... let go me" he shouted

When he shut his eyes out of fear The hands stoped and he could feel a Chill in the air.

he opened his eyes and saw a black figure, he unknowly streched his aim towards him as he somehow knew this man will save him.

"Valad" the mysterious man said

"Yes my lod" he replied as he placed his hand on his chest elegently.

Both of the thugs pushed Yuki and ran when they felt a blood thrust in the air.

Yuki felt the chill through his body as that man step forward towards him.

Run way don't stand
his inner voice shouted, just when he got up to run a hand grabed him and pushed him against the wall

"What ar------ mph" his mouth was shut by a deep kiss he could feel the warm liquid in his mouth and the cold lip pressing against his's.

"Wait------ Ah mph"

his request was ignored, his legs started to  giving up and he felt a hand on his waist to support him up.

"Can't breath, I can't think straight"

he clenched his wrist and tried to push him away but his effort failed then he felt his tongue in his mouth.

The hand Supporting his waist was now finding it's way under his top.

As soon a Yuki felt a hand on this skin The pushed him away.

"haah~ .........haah~"was all he could do.

"you have to breath through your nose". The man Smricked.

"You taste wonderful, as expected" he Continued

He placed his hand on Yuki's chin
and pulled him closer "shall we continue? he said again bringing his mouth closer.

"Who are you ?" Yuki said while he covered his mouth with his hand

"Liam......"  ,  "and don't let other man touch you again" he frown told him his name .

"Master" a voice come

Liam turned around to face valad.

This is my Chance. 

Yuki thought , he broke free from Liam's grip  and grabed his white Shirt and  ran  in the opposite direction.

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