I look at my mom and I feel like she knows something about this too.

Eric pushes mom aside and yells. "Tell me!"

Mother is still trying to stop him by getting in front of dad and Eric. "Get away mom!" Eric yells but I don't know what happened and how, Demiri moved his knife towards mom and Eric got in front her.

The knife hurt my brother's eye. His eye is bleeding.

Demiri hurt my brother.


Present Day

- I sigh as I look at the door where the soldier who's name was Kenji left and I drop my hand down in annoyance that I have to be in the same table with that Blondie.

I groan a little quietly in frustration, I really wanna know where the hell I am and who are these people. I wanna know how can I get out of here successfully. I walk in a loop close my bed with one finger close to my mouth as I think.

I keep seeing memories in my dream but I feel as if there is something missing from them. Like I'm not remembering something.

Something so important, deep down I know it's something important but what?

Maybe I did lose my memory after all.

But, no. I do remember that I was in 2023 and this place here seems to be the future. God how is this the future? This place is so weird and I don't know anyone.

The Reestablishment.





Some of these names feel so familiar to me but goddamn I can't think of anything or anyone. I really find this familiar but it's like something or someone is blocking me from remembering.

So many mysteries. So many things to be solved. God, please help me. I think as I look up at the ceiling.

Suddenly I hear a knocking and I see the Hot Doctor so I drop my hand and look at him. "Mendes." I say in a tired tone and sit on my bed.

"Hola querida." He says in a calm tone with a smile. The nurse Periwinkle—Katya comes behind him pushing what looks like a table or whatever that is called and there are lots of medicine things on it.

"Hi." Katya says with a big smile on her face as she waves at me. "We're here to take the sling off of your arm."

Well, finally. I do feel like my arm is healing.

And that was fast. I'm healing pretty fast and I should be happy for that but instead I feel strange. The doctor takes a look at my arm and touches it. With his gloved hands of course.

"You are the luckiest patient I ever had querida." He says amused with a smile. His smile is so bright and so pretty. Wait what? Pretty? What am I thinking? "Okay I'm gonna take this sling off slowly, I promise I won't hurt you."

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