This one even more painful than the last. It's unreasoning, unrealistic, unbearable and I just scream.

Seiko's howl rips through the mountains, my own pain and his causing a cascade of tears to stream down my cheeks.

Dad swings open the back door as Uncle Leif lets me go and Uncle Rhett hands me over to him. My Dad grabs me, holding me close, I could hear the way he was sniffling and whispering comforting words in my ear but I don't register them.

I can't focus on anything else but this mind numbing torture. It's gnawing, and it feels like it's searing my soul everytime the waves increase.

I yelp continuously, begging for mercy as a sharp pain shoots up my chest and clutches my heart with it.

Oh Goddess, I wouldn't wish this on anyone in the world. Not even my worse enemy. . . Not even that rogue that took my brother from me.

Dad rushes through the pack hospital, I can hear Weston and my Uncles leading the way as they shot for things they need.

Pack members voices ring loud in my ears, wishing their comfort and healing onto me.

Dad shoves through the back hospital doors, running into a nearby room and laying me down on the bed.

I close my eyes as another wave passes only for the next one to take its place. I can hear feet shuffling around me, the door to the room constantly opening and closing, the smell of more than ten wolves filling the room, the sounds of machines beeping.

Someone grabs my arm, rubs something on it and then I feel a sharp poke that's nothing compared to the pain radiating through the rest of me.

My body immediately grows warm. It's easy to ignore, despite my fear of needles causing the warmth.

All of a sudden, I'm plummeting into a Realm all its own and I'm terrified when I see what lies here.

My mind starts spinning with the idea of needles making me do things that I don't want to do. Jumping into a mud pit full of snakes, I hate snakes.

"Snakes?" Uncle Leif's voice bangs violently against my head. "He hates snakes, why would he jump into a pit full of snakes?"

Dancing to the music with their sharp points surrounding me, gremlins prancing in the distance. Gremlins scared the living crap out of me.

"Gremlins?" I hear Dad ask, a confused tone to his voice. "What in all the realms did you give him?"

"It's a powerful sedative meant for Alphas, but it can cause hallucinations before it starts to affect the body."

That was Weston, I'm sure it was but why would one of the Gremlins sound like Weston?!

Oh my sweet baby Goddess, the Gremlin ate Weston!

My eyes widen, looking around the room. There's rainbows and glitter and a disco ball above me. Why am I covered in pink silly string?

I clutch my ears when I hear a blow horn sound through the room. The sound was loud to humans, but it was unbearable to shifters.

"Ok, now he's talking about blow horns?" Uncle Rhett's voice filters through the party. "He's hallucinating for sure."

All of a sudden, a colony of mice run past my feet and I shriek, jumping away from them. Nothing scared me more than mice and now they're in the party with the gremlins and the needles and the snakes!

"For the love of the Moon," One of the Gremlins that sounded like Uncle Rhett growls as it catches me and places me back onto something soft.

I look down to see my feet on top of what looked to be clouds and then I register that the Gremlin growled. Gremlins don't growl and they most definitely don't praise our Moon Goddess.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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