Big Dumb Arms Cont'd (j.o)

Start from the beginning

He continued, "Tonight, you made her feel like her actions are wrong —"

"Because they are wrong."

"They're not though."

"Yes they are."

"If her actions are wrong then so is your love. You initiated everything, you led the way."

You furrowed your brows, snapping your neck, "Why do you keep blaming me for my mistreatment?"

"Because you are the problem." He sat his glass down, turning towards you on the couch. "Listen,

When a man loves a woman, there's an involuntary cycle the pair enter; an exchange.

Don't believe me? Look to the early days of your relationship. Whether she asked for it or not, you put yourself out there, going above and beyond to get her...

To bring her comfort; in you and with you.

That ease manifested materially for you, as it does, since most men are raised to be givers. There's an emphasis on what we have. Naturally, you began depleting your money, time and resources. Or try to elevate your life overnight for appeal, right?"


"Okay, but here's the thing. That's men's perceived notion of comfort, not women's.

For women, there's a non-material undertone with such provisions and that's where the exchange manifests.

Your actions, which is your love — your comfort, show her that you're trustworthy, resilient, independent, and strong enough to do what you need to because in her mind, that's what you're doing.

What you need to;

Being autonomous in survival

and only extending your hand to her, so she can survive with you, sometimes literally, but it's mostly about having those qualities within herself.

To say it straight,

you deplete as she completes."

"If any of that's true then why is she doing what I do? Spending her money and all this other crap... if that's my place?"

"Because the initial exchange is done; she's completed, and you're in a new one."

"And what's this one about? Making me feel like trash?" You grumbled.

"No. This exchange is about Living."

"Living?" You mocked.

"Yes. It's synopsis is when a woman loves a man. It's the first one but reversed and the key to union, long-term partnership.

In contrast to men, women are raised to be nurturers, vastly different from being a giver: it's more emotional. However, women can only nurture an environment that's been materialized.

Go back to your relationship. House, car, money, blah blah blah, all needs to survive. Get through day-to-day, y'know."

You were following along, "Okay."

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