Your Teeth In My Neck II (w.a)

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Between her smell and your burns - your primal thirst was all-consuming, and you couldn't contain yourself anymore, coldly you state, "Hold still."

Wednesday couldn't got a word out before you grabbed a handful of her hair, messing up her braids and yanking her head aside. You draw your mouth wide and sink your teeth in her. You hoisted the girl up, wrapping your arm around her waist with a near bone-shattering grip. You support her head with a firm, stiff hold, pulling her into you entirely.

Wednesday, initially, was very unresponsive as you sucked on her neck. She was full of shock, but you wouldn't have been able to tell as her face is always expressionless. After a few seconds, you felt her hands travel you as if she was looking for some type of opening to escape, but this causes you to constrict her more. Wednesday lets out a gasp, her mouth hanging open as her breathing picks up. The girl squirms but it only causes you to stumble onto the bed, pinning her beneath you.

Wednesday's eyes grew wider; she just made it easier for you to drain her. She breathlessly whimpers in your ear; the sound sending your primal pulses over the edge. You roll your eyes back, moaning at the taste of the girl.

The more you drank her, she blinks once. Then twice. Then a third time with tears forming, her face involuntarily convulses a series of reactions as she finally screams. With the sensation on her neck beginning to sting, Wednesday's eyes shut tight as she starts to dig her nails dug into whatever part of you she could to pry you off.

You groaned, but it did not stop you.

"Y/N -," the girl weeps, desperation filling her voice. Your primal self loved every ounce of fear she was emitting, it was like icing on a cupcake.

Wednesday's eyes roll to the back of her head, causing her body to seize under you. Unlike the previous squirming, the shaking of her body startles you and you lift off her - backing away.

Maybe she's having a vision, you think to yourself. As you retract your attention from her, you scan your arms; your wounds are healed and your eyes are no longer golden. You stand over the goth, wiping the corners of your mouth. You savor the taste for a bit, but then it hits you as she seizes on, her agonizing gasps for air echoing throughout the room and the foam in her mouth seeping out. This wasn't a vision. Your eyebrows knit as you blink erratically, realizing what you may have did.

Suddenly, the room goes quiet. A thud. Wednesday is flat on the room floor, as still as a painting. Her eyes were open and there wasn't any emotion behind her deadpan gaze. Her usual pale face seems more pale. Her cheeks are stained from the tears, a red liquor faintly oozing down her neck but there's


You slowly kneel next to her, poking her, "Wednesday?" tears prick your eyes.

"Wednesday?!" You bring her into your arms. You rest her head in your lap. You stare down at the girl, silently sobbing, rocking her back and forth. You smack her cheeks lightly for a response but,


You focus your ear towards her mouth, trying to hear faint breaths and,


You listen for the beat of her heart, again,


"Fuck, oh my god, Weds-," You brokenly cry with guilt ridden tears falling. You could call for help, but how do you explain the corpse? You begin feeling around her wrist for a pulse, running your hand over her body. Something, anything to indicate life.

"Weds - Please! No, get up! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You whisper softly, religiously.

You lean into her pale face, "I'm sorry for ghosting you - I should've told you I didn't wanna be together anymore. I just couldn't withstand your reaction. You scare me. I knew you wouldn't hesitate to drive a stake through my heart - shattering mine as I did yours." You cry hard at your words.

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